Parenting after a Loss

Doing the bedtime routine if you're staying with relatives?

I've decided I think it will help DD get to sleep tomorrow night if we try to stick to her little bedtime routine (including bath) as much as possible, even though we'll be spending the night at my parents house. This will be an experiment.

So for those of you with a relatively successful bedtime routine who will be away from home overnight, are you going to try to stick to the routine as much as possible, or are you just throwing in the towel and doing whatever?

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Re: Doing the bedtime routine if you're staying with relatives?

  • My only advice is to stick to the routine as much as you can.
  • DD is spending the night at the ILs for new years eve and I've asked them to stick to the routine for the most part [except the bath]. I don't know if it will help..I'm sure her night will be thrown off because of a new location + we won't be there. But I'm trying to keep it consistent as possible. If I threw in the towel now I'D have a harder time sticking to her routine. So it's for her benefit as well as mine.

    2 losses
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  • Yes, we have been at my parents house for almost 2 weeks and I have been trying to keep very closely to Ethan's bedtime schedule....bath at 6:15, bottle starting at 7, books, rocking and asleep by 8:30.  Its tough, but we have not been going out with friends, etc unless we have someone who can be at home with him so we don't have to drag him around at all hours.  I am just trying to do my best to respect his schedule and what he is used to, since he is being brought to new places and new faces all day every day and I'm sure it is overwhelming for him.




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  • I guess I'm in the minority here...we are throwing in the towel and doing whatever! We'll be at IL's house until Sunday and I just know that I'll go crazy trying to stick to our routine so we'll just wing it and hope we don't need to re-establish once we return.
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  • We're trying... we got through bath, some book, and nursing, but then just as I was getting him asleep in his pnp (which he never sleeps in so he was very wiggly checking it out), both dh and my mom came in to check on how things were going and woke him up.  Grrrr!  But, he's asleep now so we'll see... 

    I will be coming home/ stopping the visiting around 6pm though to start his routine.  Once he's down, my mom will stay here and watch him if we want to go visit with friends.

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