i'm pumping and ff but my boobs have still not gotten the memo that they can make less milk and stop leaking now!!! ugh.
are you wearing a tight sports bra?
"When it comes to sleeping, whatever your baby does is normal. If one thing has damaged parents enjoyment of their babies, it's rigid expectations about how and when the baby should sleep." ~ James McKenna, Ph.D., Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame
sports bra, ice packs, tylenol then 2 hrs later ibprofen. Caffine supposedly helps dry up so I had a mountain dew every day. I don't typically drink pop. also cabbage leaves in your bra is supposed to work.
I had to wait it out. Bind them tight and ride it out. I was literally leaking like a cow just from gravity
I just wore a regular bra night and day with disposable nursing pads which helped - they got sore in the shower, so watch the hot water! I also took advil every few hours or so to help with pp pain so I'm guessing it helped with the achiness in the boobs as well.
I would say I dried up in approx. 2 weeks after birth.
I FF from day 1. I would say my supply went away, and I stopped leaking after about a week. The first 3 days home from the hospital were the worst because I was leaking through everything, but then it slowly went away. I wore a tight sports bra, and put cold compresses on when it hurt. Also a nice warm shower may help.
Re: FF mommies
i'm pumping and ff but my boobs have still not gotten the memo that they can make less milk and stop leaking now!!! ugh.
are you wearing a tight sports bra?
"When it comes to sleeping, whatever your baby does is normal. If one thing has damaged parents enjoyment of their babies, it's rigid expectations about how and when the baby should sleep." ~ James McKenna, Ph.D., Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame
sports bra, ice packs, tylenol then 2 hrs later ibprofen. Caffine supposedly helps dry up so I had a mountain dew every day. I don't typically drink pop. also cabbage leaves in your bra is supposed to work.
I had to wait it out. Bind them tight and ride it out. I was literally leaking like a cow just from gravity
I just wore a regular bra night and day with disposable nursing pads which helped - they got sore in the shower, so watch the hot water! I also took advil every few hours or so to help with pp pain so I'm guessing it helped with the achiness in the boobs as well.
I would say I dried up in approx. 2 weeks after birth.