I've been on self-imposed pelvic rest since before we started stims. I've been thinking (and dropping hints) that maybe we'd get a little Christmas action (and hopefully semi-frequently for the rest of the pregnancy) but just wanted to check with the OB that it would be ok. Well, the day I decide to take myself off pelvic rest the doctor puts me on it due to (what is currently) placenta previa. There goes DH's Christmas present!
I might actually be more bummed than him. I know I'd be nervous at first, but I keep hearing how great pregnant sex can be. I wanna get some!
Re: Poor DH...
We are in the same boat. Haven't had sex since the BFP. Its tough, but will be worth it in the end!
I have to share this with you. DH and I didn't have sex durring our pg, but I told him that for his birthday we would. At 3:45 am on his birthday my water broke! I was 36w1d. 6 hours into labor DH turns to me and infront of my mom, the midwife, and two nurses says "I guess this means no birthday sex?" DH and I both errupted in laughter. Our son was born the next day and in the recovery room he told me that our son was a much better gift than sex. I am sure your DH feels the same way.
Hang in there!
Our Twin Baby + a Big Girl Blog
And with the delivery trifecra of one twin vaginal, one c-section with general anesthesia for twin B, Spencer and Sidney joined us at 35 weeks exactly on June 18.
We didn't have sex the whole pregnancy and DH was totally fine with that.
I wouldn't do it. I didn't respond yesterday and I'm not 100% that I had placenta previa, but I think I did. At 11w4d, I had red/pink spotting that was unexplained, but I remember them saying my placenta was right over my cervix. I started bleeding after an 'O' in my sleep - no control over it. I had that a few times in first trimester and it always caused cramping - not sure if it was because I had a low lying placenta. (i thought it was) But I still had my stitch put in and I was worried because I knew that my placenta was right on the other side...