I have been waiting for this moment for years, and now that I am pg I have no idea how to tell family and friends. I have told a few close friends so far and felt really awkward, and just blurted it out at inopportune moments. Wee are going to tell everyone else as we see them over the holiday - at a few family dinners, and we are also having a big party with alot of our friends. What is the best way to tell? Right away when we see them? Wait a bit? A big group announcement? Pull people aside to tell them one on one?
Re: Fun way to spread the news about my pg?
I know this is bizarre, but I've been HATING telling people I'm pregnant. I can't explain it, but I just dread it. It just feels weird. So for me, the psycho, email has been the way to go. Real personal, huh? Or I have DH do it when I'm not around. I don't know what's wrong with me.
TTC since March '06
MFI, LPD, possible PCOS
3 chem pgs * m/c identical twins at 9w 10.06
IVF w/ICSI #2 - beta - 187! (9dp5dt), beta - 367! (11dp5dt)
IVF w/ICSI #3 - it's a girl!
My IF Blog: Between the Lines
My Parenting Blog: Letters From Your Mama