Go figure, today I plunk down lots of money on a cruise that will take us diving in Honduras, Belize, Cayman and Cozemel in 2 weeks. I'm excited to go away for a week, it'll be a while until we do so again. (and we like to travel ALOT)
Then I come home, POAS and see 2 nice strong LH lines. I'm about to ovulate. For real. I hardly ever get 2 strong lines. And it's actually early enough in my cycle to give it a chance. (usually I get my period about a week later, the tot never has a chance)
I'm set to start drugs and stuff next month. We have a plan. I've humped his hog this morning, and 2 times prior to today within the last 4 days.
Do we hump some more to really try to get knocked up, perhaps jepordizing enjoying the trip in full (i.e. drink and dive) or stop now and what happens, happens.
To hump or not to hump, that is the question. lol. cast your vote now!
Re: SuperCrap. What should I do? (poll)
wow. You know, bet I ask this on the 6-12 month boards, and the results would be totally opposite!
I should never ever ever pass up a good cycle. I know that. I put aside starting the meds next month, in lieu of having a nice vacation with my dear husband. I shall hump his hog nice tomorrow night. A Santa baby. lol.