Parenting after a Loss

is there a 3 month growth spurt??

Re: is there a 3 month growth spurt??

  • Yes and it sucks!  We just came off it after a week and half of constant eating and disrupted sleep patterns.  It got so bad, we had to start supplmenting with formula!.

    m/c 9/22/07 at 8w5d...BFP 12/23/07! DD born 9/4/2008, BFP 2/14/13...DS born 10/22/2013 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yes and it's the worst one yet!?
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  • Avery is eating more than she ever has!!!
  • ugh!!! andrew's nights have gotten WORSE and he is eating full bottles (5.5 oz) every 2.5-3 hours... hopefully this wont last too long. :(
  • I love to get the heads up on these things, but they depress me. As soon as I think things are getting better another new curve ball gets thrown. ahhh growth spurts...
  • Yes. For us, the sleeping part seemed to last only a night or two(knock wood!!) but he's still eating a lot now. He always seems to be hungry.
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