(Doing it early this week since everyone will probably be super busy tomorrow. Hope everyone has a GREAT Christmas!!)
Welcome to the SAIF 3rd Trimester check-in!
Courted ? Welcome Nicholas! (12/3)
FutureMrs.Eanes ? Welcome Reagan! (12/7)
Kittylove ? Welcome Riley! (12/7)
Niknak ? Welcome Colin! (12/7)
MaryannC ? Welcome Juan! (12/9)
LSR ? Welcome Nolan! (12/9)
SeaSoul ? Welcome Callum! (12/13)
December Mommies
Bella3413 ? 12/25 (girl)
Trixie0916 ? (girl)
Elliek05 ? 12/28
Cherlyn ? 12/29 (boy)
January Mommies
Bmf8140 ? 1/1 (boy)
MereD19 ? 1/4 (girl)
Rockvillebride ? 1/9 (boy)
Mgg ? 1/11 (girl)
MKC101103 ? 1/18 (boy)
JustaKidAtHeart - 1/22 (twin surprises)
Christina617 - 1/23 (boy)
Jgirl2005 ? 1/23 (boy)
Modchick ? 1/27 (surprise)
February Mommies
ESTH2000 ? 2/3 (girl)
Nicolita14w ? 2/7 (boy)
FaithinLove -2/8 (boy)
Beasley05 ? 2/8 (boy)
Trinny ? 2/11 (girl)
Alli321 ? 2/13 (girl)
Manda429 ? 2/21 (boy)
Jsusann ? 2/27 (boy and girl twins)
March Mommies
Dejavu ? 3/13 (boy)
How are you feeling? Any news from Dr?s appts?
Question: (NBR) What is the one thing you hope to get for Christmas or know you are getting and are most excited about?
*Let me know if you would like to be added.
Re: **Weekly SAIF 3rd Tri Check-in**
Had my weekly appt. yesterday and there's still no progress. I know I need to be patient, but it's getting hard! I'm finally over this flu (I think) but I'm still not sleeping well. I am SO ready for Bennett to get here!
Question: Well, I kind of bought myself everything I wanted for Christmas already...I got a new Canon 40D SLR camera and a new lens. I can't wait to start using it!
Can't remember if I mentioned it last week but I passed the hour GD test, but also found out I was slightly anemic, so I just need to take an iron supplement. Other than that, things are pretty. good.
I didn't really ask for anything for x-mas. If there was something I wanted, I probably already bought it some time during the year. I asked DH to get me a couple x-mas CD's, and asked my dad to get us a video camera to capture all those special baby moments, but that's about it.
Hi! Can you add me?
Due 3/19...it's a surprise.
All the achiness from last week is gone - so thank goodness it must have just been the flu!
My shower is this weekend, but I am mostly excited to see my friends that I haven't seen in a year and also see their babies. I can't honestly think of anything I want for xmas. Just of peace of mind for my family and friends and a break from work!
We are on watch the Dr said any day now and if not they are taking me on Jan 12th. I am getting weekly BPPs to check on the status of the babies. I feel like I was hit by a truck. Everything hurts.
As for Christmas I didnt ask for much. We asked the extended family for gift cards to take out places so we dont have to cook after the babies get here.
Hi everyone! I had an appt last week and everything was looking fine. I am still feeling pretty good. I know pregnancy gets really hard for a lot of women in the third tri and I feel very lucky that my only discomforts are tiredness and heartburn.
Question: What is the one thing you hope to get for Christmas or know you are getting and are most excited about?
I think my mom got us the pack n' play off our baby registry. I am excited for that since it's where the baby will be sleeping, in our room, for a while and we really need it!
Question: (NBR) What is the one thing you hope to get for Christmas or know you are getting and are most excited about?
I am feeling good...sleeping is hard though. I don't go back to the Dr until next week for my monthly u/s and two week check-up
I am excited about my Ugg boots, puma sneakers and new Ipod that I bought myself from DH for Christmas.
Hi! May I join you? I'm due March 14 with a boy!
I'm starting my 2 week doctors appointments. I just got over the stomach flu which totally sucked.
Q - I'm getting these onsies from Gymboree that I am so excited about. They have little animals on them!
I had my first of my weekly amniotic fluid index and non-stress tests yesterday since coming out of the hospital and everything looks good. ?I hope they stay that way.
One thing I know I am getting (since DH let me open it early last night) are fuzzy comfortable slippers!?
Hey! Love the new siggy pic! I hope you'll be meeting your little one soon!
News-- I'm low on iron (still!). I'm already on one supplement, but I think I haven't been taking it correctly to get the most absorption. Thing is-- i don't want too much because it is so constipating. I'm trying to take it with OJ mid-day and eat Total cereal (100% RDA iron) for breakfast.
Other than that, I feel pretty good. I've noticed I can't lay on my back or even recline without feeling really bad, so no WAY am I going to labor in bed on my back.
I'm excited to be getting my breast pump! LOL!
I started to lose my mucus plug the other day, so that's exciting. Other than that, at my last appt, I was still about 70% effaced and 1cm dilated. I don't go back until the 29th, so we'll see!
QOTD: My DH went out and bought me a bunch of nursing stuff for Christmas which he showed me early just in case. He picked it out all by himself and it was very sweet!
How are you feeling?
I'm feeling a bit better after yesterday (I fell on the ice and was in L&D for 5 hrs). But truthfully, I'm in alot of pain. I have a real hard time walking from pure exhaustion, sciatic, pelvis and back pain. Landing on my back on the ice certainly didn't help either.
Any news from Dr?s appts?
Yes, one good thing was I had an ultrasound yesterday too and my baby girl is estimated to weigh about 3lbs, 12oz and my baby girl is estimated to weigh about 3lbs, 10oz. They both look happy and healthy in there!
Question: (NBR) What is the one thing you hope to get for Christmas or know you are getting and are most excited about?
Oh, gosh I think it's going to be a quiet year this year. I haven't asked my husband for anything b/c I don't really need anything except baby things. We were going to get a laptop for a mutual gift for eachother, but I don't think that's in the cards. Hmmmmm...maybe an itunes gift card or a breast pump?..ha..ha.