I just got a call from my OB's nurse. Turns out the blood test results show an elevated risk for Down Syndrome. They are making an appointment for me with a Perinatologist (sp).
These are my numbers: 1/294, 1/153, 1/171
I don't know that the actual numbers mean, but I know that there is still less than a 1% chance. . . but it is still such hard news to hear.
The measurement at the u/s was really good (1.6, I think), so I thought that we'd be free and clear.
I should hear back today as to when my appointment is. . . hopefully they will get me in SOON. I am trying to keep things in perspective, but damn, its taken us so long to get to this point. <sigh>
Re: NT Scan Blood results--elevated risk
Oh no... I'm sorry. I really hope it turns out to be nothing at all to worry about... and you're right - still less than 1% chance - so that's good. But, I know it doesn't make "elevated risk" and easier to hear.
(((hugs))) to you - hoping things turn out just fine...
Thanks ladies. It is a small risk. . . and at 37 years of age, I should have expected this. The good news is that if we choose to do an amnio, we'll know the gender sooner than waiting for the big u/s!
I just have to find a way to put this out of my mind. We are taking my ILs to Ruth's Chris for dinner tonight and I really want to enjoy our nice dinner out.
Time for a nap, I think.
TTC since March '06
MFI, LPD, possible PCOS
3 chem pgs * m/c identical twins at 9w 10.06
IVF w/ICSI #2 - beta - 187! (9dp5dt), beta - 367! (11dp5dt)
IVF w/ICSI #3 - it's a girl!
My IF Blog: Between the Lines
My Parenting Blog: Letters From Your Mama
I just turned 38 and after my NT scan at 11 weeks (which was normal) and blood work, the perinatologist called me iimself and said that my bloodwork came back as 1/15 for Down Syndrome. (So, dividing 1 by 15 still meant only 6.66%, but still....) I am surprised that they called your risk "elevated" b/c if you look up the "average" risk for our age, it's about 1 in 87 to 1 in 125 depending on the source. I would expect that the other 2 numbers were for Trisomy 13 and 18 but not sure.
In any case, with my results, I went straight for an amnio, and everything came back normal. And yup, we found out the sex at 15 weeks.
Good luck, and email me if you have any other questions. clarapist at aol