Last year sucked because we lost our baby 2 days before Christmas and MIL [who didn't know, and still doesn't know that we were pregnant] spent the whole night talking about grandbabies and how much she wants one and how everyone at work has one but her. Ugh, I wanted to punch her in the mouth that night. I had to spend the whole day trying not to cry.
This year we have a two month old who's going to be passed around like the Christmas ham! What a difference a year makes.
I'm so excited for christmas. The nice thing about having a baby is that you get to "relive" all of the excitement about Christmas morning, plus it makes getting together with family so much more special. It's like...she's so new and is the future of our family, and is something that ties all of us together in a different way.
OK rambling. I get very sentimental this time of year
Re: I can't it's almost Christmas already
that should say...
*I can't believe it's almost Christmas already.
I swear I'm not stoopid.
2 beautiful children
proud mommy!
Please do not remind me... I am in stress/panic mode about our trip to Portland due to the very inclement weather... STRESS!!!!
i'm also very excited.
last year was bittersweet. ?we lost our twins earlier in the year and all i could think of was my OB saying to me when we first saw 2 heartbeats "i'll bet you are holding these babies at Christmas". ?on the flip-side, we told everyone about DS at Christmas so it was a happy time too.
?and now i have a smiley, babbling 5 month old miracle that goos and coos at the lights on the tree and loves to rip at wrapping paper!
?i'm very nervous about our trip back east to my parents' house but excited to introduce our DS to all of my family.
Merry Christmas to you!?