We have a chain of grocery stores in the Northeast called Stop & Shop and they have a home delivery service called Peapod. I have never used it because of the $10 delivery charge but this week I had a coupon code for $20 off so I decided to try it. OMG! It is the best thing ever! I bet you even save money because you don't make any impulse buys! I got everything for this week (which includes me cooking Christmas dinner and two dishes for Christmas Eve) for $75 (including a tip)! The coupon is good until February, if you can use it more than once I am so having my groceries delivered until then! I have the code if anyone is interested!
Re: I LOVE Peapod!!!
m/c August 2007 - Blighted Ovum
Sean - Our IUI/Injectable miracle born Oct. 5, 2008.
Liam - Our second miracle born July 16, 2010