that I break down and slap the crap out of DH. UGH! so annoying. (warning - this is just a vent)!
Avery is still sleeping so I am sitting in the bed on teh computer waiting for her to wake up (should be ANY MINUTE now)... so what does he do? Come in and start hounding me about getting up and cleaning the house and packing for our trip. Um... listen here jack-hole... I am about to FEED YOUR CHILD so give me a break!!! I had made some oatmeal this am for b'fast while he was in the shower and he starts in on "oh, so you just make your SELF breakfast? Where's mine? that's rude of you"
There was one freaking packet of oatmeal left and last time I checked DH is a grown man who can fend for himself... GAWD
And then... grrr.... He was leaving to get his hair cut and the grocery store is next door. We need a few things for tomorrow. So I told him to wait so I could make a list and he tells me just to tell him. I'm listing things off and he starts rolling his eyes! and he wouldn't STOP PACING around the bed while I told him!
I might kill him today...
Re: today might be the day...
Oooo, I think I would smack him around a bit.
::::kicks Mr. sdkrlm in the shins::::
Brisell, you beat me to it! I feel the urge to smack DH at least once daily. Twice (or more) when he's home all day on the weekends, holidays, etc.
This is why WOMEN have the babies. If men had to be mommies, there would be nothing left of humankind.