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Tooth ache remedies?

I went for my dentist checkup and it turns out that my filling fell out. My old dentist turned out to be no good apparently b/c my DH has to get his fillings replaced as well. Now, since I went to the dentist I have a tooth ache right where that filling was (probably b/c it's a cavity and there's nothing protecting it?) This is my first cavity/filling, so I'm not sure. Is there anything I can take for tooth ache? My dentist won't bring me back to replace the filling until March b/c he wants me well into my 2nd trimester first.

Any advice? or just suck it up? I dont' want to miss out on all that good holiday food this week!

Re: Tooth ache remedies?

  • Eeek...I've never had a toothache, but maybe Tylenol will help or orajel? It seems a little excessive to wait until March to get it fixed. Couldn't it get worse by then? And by that time, you'll be nearly in the 3rd trimester. I think you are allowed to have novocaine during pregnancy, so I don't see why he's having you wait so long when it could potentially get worse.
  • once you are in the 2nd tri you are pretty safe to have any dental work done.  i think waiting until march is way to long.  you can take tylenol or even ask for tylenol #3 (has codeine), to help w/ the pain, but i think it's ridiculous that you are being told to wait until march.
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  • I would think waiting would be worse... You will be in your second tri next week, and that pain will only worsen.. I would press the dentist, because any food that gets in there is going to be painful and brushing and flossing it out is going to be worse and an infection would be the worst of it all!

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