Ugh. My poor little girl. We thought we finally were starting to get the reflux under control after we increased her dose of zantac on Friday. She hasn't cried from pain during feedings since then (WOOHOO!!!).
But, last night while she was eating, she projectile vomited all over herself, my poor husband, her glider, and the floor. My DH yelled when it happened, and she got scared and screamed. Then today she did the same thing all over me and the couch. Luckily I was able to keep calm, and the vomiting did not seem to upset her at all (she was even smiling right after it). I called the pedi, and they had me bring her in immediately. She doesn't have a fever, and she hasn't lost any weight from last week. But, if it keeps happening, they will have to do an ultrasound on her stomach to look for pyloric stenosis. Sorry so long, I guess I just needed to vent. My poor baby... I am hoping it is just reflux related and not anything more serious.
Re: Projectile vomiting is SCARY!
ahh... poor kid.....
Side story... I was a nurse on oncology (cancer) and I had just gotten a really sick patient all cleaned up, linens/bed made (while she was in it!) and everything was fresh and clean. She had tears in her eyes as she thanked me. Clean fluffy pillows just feel good when you're sick.
Then that look came over her face. I know that look. That look of "chit! get the emesis basin, or garbage can! something!"
There was no time. I held out my scrub top in a bucket fashion, and took a hit for the team.
We laughed hysterically. I went and changed.
Maya projectile vomited 8 times on Friday. I was so scared. Ends up she had the stomach bug (obviously not the case in your situation), but I know how scary it is.
It is scary! I was sleeping with Karly when it first happened to her. I woke up covered and she was still going.
Oh, that poor woman (and poor you)! I agree, clean pillows, sheets, pajamas, etc. are the BEST when you're sick.
I'm actually pretty used to puke myself. I was the president of my sorority in college, so I've taken care of my share of sick college girls and cleaned up wayyyyy more than my share of puke. My poor DH, though -- it completely caught him off guard and he had no clue what to do!
Poor baby (and dh:) . I hope the dr can help her feel good very soon!
Ethan still sometimes shoots puke across the room! It gets better, I promise, but it can take time to get the right dose and right type of medicine. E also had some issues with his throat, but they have healed, so even if it keeps going, she will be ok!
I know, seriously. We should get a badge or something.
Thanks, Robin! That helps a lot. Note to self -- DO NOT google "infant projectile vomiting" again.