Success after IF

The Unborn?

Have you seen the previews to this movie?  Does it not look dumb?  Scary yes but a twin that died in utero trying to take over his sister?  I don't know..maybe its me. 
twin girls after 43 months of TTC.. Katherine Emily (5 lbs 12 oz 19 1/4 in) and Karly Elizabeth (5lbs 7 oz 19 in) imageLilypie!!My bio!! !!My Blog!! imageimage


Re: The Unborn?

  • OMG--that is so funny...I was watching the preview for that earlier and thought the exact same thing.  So dumb, so ridiculous!
    Severe MFI resulting in IVF/ICSI #1 in Nov 2007. BFP!!
    Our beautiful son was born July 2008.
    2010: 2 IVF's,1 FET = 2 BFN's, 1 c/p :(
    Feb 2011-Unmedicated FET= BFP!! DS #2 born Oct 2011!!.

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  • the premise is ridiculous, but at 2 am, when all is quiet and you see the little boy, it is creepy!

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