Success after IF

So frustrated even with the hope of relief from the pediatrician

So if you read my post below we are suspecting reflux with DS and hoping Zantac helps. But today, at 4:30 we gave him his first dose. At 9 he had his spit up episode. It comes out his nose and shoots out his mouth. He turns bright red and cannot breathe for what seems like forever but I know is only a second or two at most. I can see the formula pool in his mouth as I am flipping him over and patting him and then I hear him scream and cry and my heart breaks for him.

Why can't babies just come with owners manuals? or be able to tell you when something is wrong? Or have a machine like that episode of the Simpsons that says what Maggie is trying to?

My poor DH is terrified his son hates him because if he is not sleeping he is crying. Oy.

Re: So frustrated even with the hope of relief from the pediatrician

  • I am sorry you are going through this. We have a reflux baby as well. He has been on Zantac since he was 1 month old. It took a little while for it to fully kick in, and the reflux does get better. All you can do is be comforting to him, and snuggle him when he is in pain. It will get better!
  • I TOTALLY hear you right now. One of mine started Zantac last Wednesday and it has yet to make a difference in the pain he has while feeding. We were also put on Levsin drops for his pain today too and if this doesn't change by Wednesday, my pedi is putting him on Previcid. It's so heartbreaking.
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  • Both of my girls had reflux (dx @1.5 months)..still do.  We switched from Enfamil to Nutramagin, the girls wouldn't drink it so we switched to Similac sensitive which they did okay with but then we switched to Similac Isomil Advanced and they do so much better.  We are also giving them zantac twice a day.  They just peaked and it got really bad so we are hoping it's almost better.  The pedi said around 6 months it starts going away.  It's hard and horrible.  They just want mommy.  My girls cried all the time.  I thought they were never going to be happy but at 5 months old, they put themselves to sleep and sleep all night.  They only cry to eat, sleep or get their diaper changed.  Your baby will be happy again.  Until then, just do what you have to do to get by and post your vents here.  It helps.  (((Hugs)))
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  • I'm sorry.  We are dealing with reflux, too, and it just sucks.  :(  I hope that you and your poor little one get some relief soon!
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  • As much as I hate that our children have been suffering through this, I love that I have you ladies to turn to. You always know what to say when to say it and thank you. We are going to try and get some sleep tonight! Thanks
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