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can't my kids catch a break??

UGH!!!!! As if the baby drama and my daughters heart issues aren't enough now it's DS's turn.

Poor little guy has been sick for almost 2 weeks with very typical flu symptoms... runny nose, watery eyes, achy, cough, and a touch of tummy trouble.  Well, today he sprouts a little rash on his ears... no big - kids get viral rashes all the time.

About an hour and a half ago I was getting him ready for bed and noticed it had spread from his ears to under his chin and all over his chest, arms, tummy, etc.  And upon closer inspection noticed some bumps on his eyelids.

So, sent DH with DS to urgent care (we don't wait till morning for anything because of his cardiac stuff).  Well, DH just called and they're doing a chest x-ray as we speak because he's now retracting and wheezing. 

Could either be something allergic (which is what I think and hope) or could be something nasty in his lungs which means a nice middle of the night trip to the children's hospital and a few day stay while they grow cultures.

So - everyone cross your toes for a clear chest xray so we can stay the heck away from the hospital tonight!

Good vibes appreciated!


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