We did DH's family Christmas on Saturday and I made a special photo album for MIL of very early pictures of DS--like, in the delivery room, the first photo of her holding him, the first photo of us as a family, etc. I spent a lot of time on it, got special Creative Memories stuff and everything. Well, I saw her open it out of the corner of my eye--she pretty much looked at it, put it back in the envelope it came in, and moved on to the next gift. She never even acknowledged it, and it irritates the heck out of me. She does this every year. I know she is an insanely unemotional person. But I try to do nice things for her and I get nothing. In contrast, SIL (DH's sister), will get her some pop-up book depicting a city she has never been to (which is pretty much everywhere, MIL never leaves her apartment), and MIL will sit there and ooooooh and aaaaaaah over it for hours.
Grrrrrrr. Thanks for letting me vent. DH gets tired of me pointing out the crappy things his mom does.
Re: Must vent about gift for MIL
That stinks that she didn't acknowledge it for two reasons. The first being that you worked hard on it and the second because they're pictures of her grandson!
My MIL is the same way. She appreciates NOTHING. I made the cutest ornaments this year with Joey's handprint on them. I gave my Mom one and she loved it. I didn't make one for MIL