My milk still has not come in, and I am pumping and giving him increasing amounts of colustrum...he has no desire to nurse at the boob and pushes it away....he has no patience and does not want to learn since we had to supplement so early due to my diabetes...I feel bad, and think I am just going to pump and bottle feed it to him as long as my supply lasts, if my milk even comes in....crap, this sucks so bad....I want the best of everything for him, but he no desire to want to learn anymore, after two lactation consultants....
Re: Baby and I suck at breastfeeding...
I had a REALLY hard time and my milk never came in and everyone kept telling me to keep trying, keep trying and I felt so pressured and stressed out that it wasn't working. I'm not going to tell you to stop trying. But I know what I went through. I tried for 11 days. I wish someone had told me it's not the end of the world if BF doesn't work out and that DD and I both would be ok if it didn't. I really was convinced it was the end of the world.
So I am telling you, it is OK if it doesn't work out and you and your baby will both be fine.?
Again I'm not telling you to quit. Just keep listening to your heart. Good luck to you. Those first days are so hard and new and overwhelming. Come here to vent all you want.?