Success after IF

Help..tell me you tricks for Achy boobs!!

I am 3 days pp and my boobs are killing me.  I am l/eaking like a garden hose  ( I am not breast feeding).

 What are your tricks for achy tender swollen boobs?

Re: Help..tell me you tricks for Achy boobs!!

  • 1.tightest sports bra u have. wear it for 3 weeks 24/7.

    2. ice them down

    3. avoid heat. when u shower, keep hot water off your chest as much as possible.

    4. avoid stimulation as much as possible. dont massage the breast or the nipple at all.

    my pain only lasted about 3 days. it took about two weeks for all the hardness to go away. good luck.

  • Cabbage leaves can help with the engorgement, but be prepared for the smell! I've heard that Sudafed can help too.
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  • Oh my gosh, I didn't realize you'd had the baby! I was wondering where you were, since we're so close in due dates. Congratulations!
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