I just bought my diaper bag and I want to pack it up!
What do you have in it? When did you start using it? I imagine I'll use it the first time we take him out of the house, like to his first Dr's check up, right?
This is the one I bought...I'm not a pooh fan, but LOVED the colors and there's not much pooh on it at all. There's tons of pockets and pouches.
Re: What's in your diaper bag?
Change of CLothes
A&D Ointment
Butt Creme
Hand Sanitizer
Formula Dispenser (if this is a necessity)
Bottles (with filtered water if this is a necessity)
Burp Cloth
Extra Diaper(s)
Wetbag (we use cloth diaper)
Change of Clothes
A couple little toys
Changing pad liners (in the event we use a wall mounted changing table in a bathroom)
My diaper bag while out with DS doubles as my purse, so...
- a Diaper for each hour we're out + 3-4 disposables (for emergencies)
- Wet bag (we cloth diaper as well)
- Hooter hider
- Water bottle for me (hydration is key while BF)
- Wallet
- Extra clothes for G
- Extra shirt for me (in case of spitup)
- sunglasses
- keys
- tissues
- hand sanitizer
- small point & shoot camera (cute moments happen while we're on the go too)
- 3-4 breakfast bars (for those starving moments when you're on the go)
- now that he's older a toy or two
- changing pad
- wipes
- a little baggie for used wipes (if there isn't a trash can close by)
- occasionally, a bottle for DS
Photo by Zemya Photography
bottle and formula dispenser
burb cloths
change of clothes for Noah
extra pacifier
a couple of toys (now that he's 6 months...at first I didn't carry these)
hand sanitizer
when I was nursing every feeding....hooter hider, nipple shields, extra breast pads.