i have read and been told consistently that there is no problem with little boobs as far as BFing goes, but i'd like to hear some anecdotal evidence if possible. my girls are small, and have not changed too much at this point in pgcy (they are about at LP level in terms of fullness, and have been since just after ER day. they are veinier now but don't seem bigger at this point.) i am hoping very much to EBF my babies, and my mother has eluded to that being difficult b/c of my small breasts - she alledges that that's why her milk "never came in." which i know sounds ridiculous.
thanks in advance for humoring me.
Re: tell me your little boobs BF success stories please :)
Oh sweetie, you have nothing to worry about! I have always been an A to a small B, sometimes flat as a board when really skinny girl.
I have had an OVERsupply problem... so much so that poor jasper would choke when the milk came out it came out so fast and furious!
I used to be able to pump 5 ounces from one breast in under 10 minutes. (it has thankfully evened out some!) so trust me, it doesn't depend AT all on size.
Oh, and when I was on the delivery table after JUSt giving birth they were about to latch Jasper on and my midwife expressed my nipple with her hand to see and was like "oy yeah, there's plenty of colostrum there!" and I had never leaked or seen any signs of it before then
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
Our beautiful son was born July 2008.
2010: 2 IVF's,1 FET = 2 BFN's, 1 c/p
Feb 2011-Unmedicated FET= BFP!! DS #2 born Oct 2011!!.
thank you so much you guys!!! you always make me feel so much better - i knew i would get some great stories and support from you on this
My Blog
Our successful cycle was IVF #2: Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol - 2 beautiful blasts transferred.
email me: gretchela@hotmail.com
So far so good over here:) I was a A cup pre pregnancy. Actually my boobs really never got much bigger until after I gave birth. I am EBFing we are doing great!
I have little boobs (A/B cup) and successfully bf Evan for 11 months!
My good friend is totally flat and bf her 1st for 14 months and is on month 6 of her bfing her 2nd.
It's totally possible!