My poor baby (who is 8 months old today) is so sick. We took her to the pedi on Saturday when her temperature was 102.3. He checked for strep (Joey just had strep last week), checked her ears and her lungs. Everything was fine. It was just a cold.
She keeps running a fever of around 100. It goes down to normal with Tylenol, but it's been two days now of me feeding her Tylenol. Yesterday she refused to eat and only drank about 4oz of formula. She did drink for me this morning, but the fever is still there and now she's coughing. She feels limp when I pick her up and hold her and it's scaring me. I'm going call the pedi's office and ask to speak to a nurse. Please say a prayer that the good doctors are in today and I don't have to see one of the two I don't like.
Re: Poor Allison :(
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
awww, poor thing... i hope she starts to feel better soon... when DD is sick she tends to regress in her stages (so when we were eating solids, we went back to puree's and when we were on puree's we went back to just the bottle). last time she had a really bad cold she cut her formula intake in half and wouldn't eat solids... so i tried to do lots of cuddling and kangaroo time with her (to help her regulate her body temp) even at 10 months old it seemed to help her... i also kept her in the sling as much as possible, she wanted to be held almost constantly...