I'm MIA off and on - there's been so much going on lately! We'll be 17 weeks on Wed! I have an appt that day for another scan but I'm going to see if the Dr can tell me the gender. We tried to see the gender at my last scan (15wks 1 day) but the baby was turned sideways with legs crossed! Fingers crossed we find out on Xmas Eve!!! If we don't, then we have to wait for our "big u/s" on January 14th!!
I don't want to wait that long!!!!
Re: I'm back and almost 17 wks!
Hi! I wanted to tell you congrats! I rememeber reading your story as you were TTC, I love your screen name...that's how I always recognized you! Hope the baby cooperates and you have wonderful news to share with your family & friends on Christmas Day!