Success after IF

Finally...I'm back!

 I haven't been around in months, I was a regular reader and I would post here and there from work...then I went on modified bedrest in Sept and unfortunately I had no access to the internet. During that time my mom came to stay with me and needed to work from our office during the days, so my computer time was very limited. 

Anyways- Obviously I had the my babies. They were born on October 23rd  (34w 5d). All were luckily very healthy- all on room air and mostly feeders and growers.

Jack Andrew was born at 9:13am - 5lbs 4oz

Jordan Miles was born at 9:14am - 3lbs 15oz

Addison Delight was born at 9:14am - 5lbs 10oz

Addie stayed in the NICU for 5 days and the boys were there for a week longer. All are great now, except they don't like to sleep at night. We are working on that now hahaha.

 I just wanted to let you know I'm finally back and I have access to the nest again. I'm sure you'll hear a lot from me- I have sooo many questions!!


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