*Someone said something today that made me feel like a terrible mother and it affected me more than I'd like to admit. I would never do anything that would hurt my child...nothing...
*People are saying that Allison looks just like me now and it makes me secretly happy that she looks like me and not like DH.
*I wore my pre-pg jeans in public today! And they fit!!
* I'm the happiest I've been in a long time today.
* Even though I am in a good mood, my anxiety is getting worse. I pulled over on the side of the road multiple times yesterday to make sure Michael was ok. I'm also having a recurring nightmare that I've had for a long time more often recently.
* I just ended a sentence with an adverb and I'm too tired to do anything about it.
I took Kate shopping w/me today and if one more person called her a boy I was going to seriously lose it on them, she was wearing a frequen dress and tights.
Tonight is sex night, the first time since our bfp back in February, I am a little scared/worried. I feel like it is our first time all over again.
I loved having one on one time with Kate today but I did miss Ben.
I am worried how our families are going to get along on X-mas
i worry that ds is eating so frequently because I am not producing enough milk. I have to wait til Tues for his weighing.
I want to kill (not really) dh every time ds cries and dh says, lets just give him formula.
I am freaked out that I am passing big blood clots.
When ds eats every hour or two hours i feel so trapped. I have not left this apt for three days and my butt hurts from sitting for hours feeding him. Then he looks at me all cute and my heart melts.
*I would totally take to*peices puppy if my dh didn't hate dogs! How can you hate dogs? They love unconditionally. He's a butt.
*I want another baby NOW. And I still have a newborn. WTF is wrong with me? I never wanted any kids, and now I have serious baby fever even though my baby is still very much a baby. Thank God we are "forced" to wait over 2 years to try again, so that I get to enjoy DD for as long as possible.
*I might go natural with the next one, because I pretty much went natural for Josie. I didn't get my epidural until I was 6 cms, and that was after my water had been broken for an hour. It totally wore off [or they turned it off] right when I started pushing [which was 1.5 hours long] so I felt the "ring of fire" and my labia tearing. Oh and stitches afterwards. That sucked.
*Dh And I have had more sex in the past 7 days than we have in the past YEAR. Our sex life is currently better than it was before we got pregnant. I can't get enough of him! It only hurts a little and gets better every time.
* Twice today at dh's cousin's house I sat down in the middle of a whole load of family and announced "I am whipping out a boob. So if you have an issue with it and don't want to be around, please leave the room" I didn't say it snarky. I just said it because I had no intention of hiding to feed my child.?* DH thought it was funny, but SIL laughed so hard she snorted at the above announcement. ?* I couldn't be happier that dd isn't crying as much for dh when he holds her, but at the same time now I feel like she could get used to anyone taking care of her & that makes me sad.* I feel like a horrible mother because I said out loud "Sometimes I really hate being a mother" while she was having a meltdown. Then I cried.* I feel terribly for my animals. I know they have to adjust too, but I feel like I am neglecting them and they shouldn't have to deal with that.* DD is napping again and I hope she sleeps tonight for me. I can't deal with another sleepless night. ?
* I wish Crazy would come to DH's family's party on Christmas Eve and announce that she was whipping out a boob. I would pee myself laughing at the IL's reaction. They're a little (let me be nice) uptight.
* Allison is SICK. She has cried and slept today. That's it. She won't eat or drink. She has snot pouring out of her nose. I've been giving her Tylenol all day to keep the fever down. I took her to the pedi yesterday and they said it's just a cold. I'm not so sure. I'm going to call again tomorrow.
* I hope I don't have to see Dr. A-hole again tomorrow. He tries to make me feel like I'm a paranoid nutcase for bringing in a sick baby.
Re: *confessions*
*Someone said something today that made me feel like a terrible mother and it affected me more than I'd like to admit. I would never do anything that would hurt my child...nothing...
*People are saying that Allison looks just like me now and it makes me secretly happy that she looks like me and not like DH.
*I wore my pre-pg jeans in public today! And they fit!!
* I'm the happiest I've been in a long time today.
* Even though I am in a good mood, my anxiety is getting worse. I pulled over on the side of the road multiple times yesterday to make sure Michael was ok. I'm also having a recurring nightmare that I've had for a long time more often recently.
* I just ended a sentence with an adverb and I'm too tired to do anything about it.
1. ?VERY long story but we have to give up our puppy and i am really upset about it. ?i have been crying for days.
2. ?i HATE our neighbors with a passion (this is related to confession #1). ?and i do not use the word hate lightly.
*I was very VERY happy that my family's Hanukkah party got cancelled today because of the snow
*DH was even happier
i worry that ds is eating so frequently because I am not producing enough milk. I have to wait til Tues for his weighing.
I want to kill (not really) dh every time ds cries and dh says, lets just give him formula.
I am freaked out that I am passing big blood clots.
When ds eats every hour or two hours i feel so trapped. I have not left this apt for three days and my butt hurts from sitting for hours feeding him. Then he looks at me all cute and my heart melts.
*I would totally take to*peices puppy if my dh didn't hate dogs! How can you hate dogs? They love unconditionally. He's a butt.
*I want another baby NOW. And I still have a newborn. WTF is wrong with me? I never wanted any kids, and now I have serious baby fever even though my baby is still very much a baby. Thank God we are "forced" to wait over 2 years to try again, so that I get to enjoy DD for as long as possible.
*I might go natural with the next one, because I pretty much went natural for Josie. I didn't get my epidural until I was 6 cms, and that was after my water had been broken for an hour. It totally wore off [or they turned it off] right when I started pushing [which was 1.5 hours long] so I felt the "ring of fire" and my labia tearing. Oh and stitches afterwards. That sucked.
*Dh And I have had more sex in the past 7 days than we have in the past YEAR. Our sex life is currently better than it was before we got pregnant. I can't get enough of him! It only hurts a little and gets better every time.
2 beautiful children
proud mommy!
* Twice today at dh's cousin's house I sat down in the middle of a whole load of family and announced "I am whipping out a boob. So if you have an issue with it and don't want to be around, please leave the room" I didn't say it snarky. I just said it because I had no intention of hiding to feed my child.?* DH thought it was funny, but SIL laughed so hard she snorted at the above announcement. ?* I couldn't be happier that dd isn't crying as much for dh when he holds her, but at the same time now I feel like she could get used to anyone taking care of her & that makes me sad.* I feel like a horrible mother because I said out loud "Sometimes I really hate being a mother" while she was having a meltdown. Then I cried.* I feel terribly for my animals. I know they have to adjust too, but I feel like I am neglecting them and they shouldn't have to deal with that.* DD is napping again and I hope she sleeps tonight for me. I can't deal with another sleepless night. ?
* i'm depressed. like low self-esteem lately, feeling like no one in my family likes me.
* i miss my long hair.
i really do.
* i'm annoyed that my dh gets to go out and have care free fun all the time.
* i'm afraid of why DD's poop is green, afraid it's something i've done, or ate, and that makes me feel bad.
*DH and I had sex yesterday without protection - I started taking the pill again and I'm not sure if it's "working" yet.
*I wouldn't mind if I would get pregnant again right now
*We're not sure if we want another baby (that's why above confession is crazy)
*DD was asleep in her crib when I got home from work at 8:15 tonight. I went up and picked her up because I missed her so much.
* I wish Crazy would come to DH's family's party on Christmas Eve and announce that she was whipping out a boob. I would pee myself laughing at the IL's reaction. They're a little (let me be nice) uptight.
* Allison is SICK. She has cried and slept today. That's it. She won't eat or drink. She has snot pouring out of her nose. I've been giving her Tylenol all day to keep the fever down. I took her to the pedi yesterday and they said it's just a cold. I'm not so sure. I'm going to call again tomorrow.
* I hope I don't have to see Dr. A-hole again tomorrow. He tries to make me feel like I'm a paranoid nutcase for bringing in a sick baby.
I think Avery is a much prettier baby than her cousin Alyvia (pronounced Olivia)
I think its really dumb that DH's cousin named their daughter Alyvia
DH's cousin's wife looked ridiculous today with her HUGELY teased hair - Mommyhood isn't flattering on her
I really don't want to be ovulating right now
As much as I've been complaining about the lack of sex, I refuse to tell DH that I think I'm O'ing because he'll jump my bones in .2 seconds
I am stressed about my trip home to portland because of the weather...
Avery is a really exceptionally LOUD eater which makes nursing in public a little embarrassing