We just found out why we aren't getting pregnant. My DH has low motility. We already have a daughter, who is just about to turn two, and we have been trying to conceive number 2 with no luck. I would love to hear people's stories about the steps they took to get pregnant with low motility.
Re: Success with IF
I'm so sorry
Most of my friends who have had male factor IF have been successful with IVF with ICSI - where they force the sperm into the eggs.
There might be some here with luck with IUI - since it gets the sperm where it needs to be - and they also wash the sperm before hand- so only the best swimmers would be picked to inseminate.
what is your RE suggesting?
best of luck to you!
I think it depends how low and if the overall counts are normal. If they are, then IUI is a good place to start because as PP said, even if they can wash and put back 3% of 40 million or whatever, that's still a lot of healthy sperm exactly the right place at exactly the right moment.
I know some people have success with vitamins to get sperm problems sorted, too. We didn't go too far down that route, just put DH on a daily men's multi. If you look up Zita West, you can probably find the combination of vitamins she recommends.
Don't give up hope... lots of people with MF issues get pregnant without too much trouble, so you're certainly not facing the impossible.
We tried two IUIs but I also have a diagnosis of PCOS. We were very lucky to be accepted into a study at our RE's office and had luck with our first IVF.
Good luck!!
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart) Our first love and loss 7/2/07
3 cycles clomid TI = BFNs
3 cycles clomid Ovidrel IUI = BFNs
6/27/08 Surprise BFP = chemical pg
IVF#1 July 08 BFP @7dp3dt
TTC #3 since February 2010
FET Sept. and Oct. 2010=BFN's
IVF#2 June 2011=BFP
Thank you for all your responses. I am hoping an IUI will do the trick. We don't know how low the motility is yet, our appt. is on Wednesday. I feel in my heart we will have another baby, it is just going to be a process. I don't understand how this happened, since two and half years ago, we got pregnant with our DD on the very first try. I wonder what his sperm was like then.
This community makes me feel so much better, thanks!