Parenting after a Loss

Almost had a meltdown at the Picture People... I am insane!

we took Jacob tonight to get some pictures taken as holiday gifts for the grandparents and other family members.  I was determined to buy as little as possible, since we have other formal sessions planned..... to basically get a good shot, pay their price and then go to kinko's and get it re-printed for less than $1 a sheet

I almost started crying when I saw his pictures... they try to trick you into buying frames, and some of the pics were soo freaking cute I didn't want to leave them behind!  honestly!  especially since I know that they just throw them out.

 I told dh that I felt like a bad mom not buying them all.  so much for my 'strong' (ha!) willpower.

we only did buy one extra print... so that is not so horrible.

Re: Almost had a meltdown at the Picture People... I am insane!

  • We walked into Sears with the intention of buying 1 family picture and 1 picture of just the baby and walked out with $135 in pictures, a CD of all the pictures they took, and a membership to their "Smile Savers Club".  Who's the sucker now?
  • I know it's rough when you see all the cute poses!

    I thought Picture People show you all the poses on a computer and only print out what you want?  Do they print them all out first and then try to sell them to you?

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  • It's soooo hard not to buy them. Try Target next time. See pic in siggy as an example. : )
    Only $3.99 a sheet, and the first sheet free (8X10). GREAT deal!
  • are a great mom!  Just remember that Bryan will never throw your photos away!  He used to work at the Wal-Mart studio and knows how they try and reel you in with a cheap price but jack it up for the really good pics they get!  We're always here when you need us!  LOL...glad you got some good pics though!  If they are anything like your siggy, I am sure they are amazing!!
  • Good for you for not buying them out but I know how hard it is to resist cute pictures of your own.


  • I had SERIOUS anxiety over pictures after we went at 4 weeks to get them done. Which ones do I buy? Which frames to put them in? Is it too many? Will I regret not buying that one?

    And THEN I went back at 6 weeks and dragged DH with me so we could get a family one. And then the anxiety again. It was awful! I just couldn't make a decision and obsessed over it for DAYS. I ended up happy with my choices but to this day I think it was a bit of PPD anxiety coming out in stupid pics of all things.

    I know exactly what you are talking about. I swear I can't go again for a while.

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