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SO f*ing Pissed....

Hi Girls-

 Just need to vent (badly....):

So....a) I'm at my in-laws, which I'm annoyed about b/c we are going to Florida with them for a whole WEEK on Wednesday. The deal was that we would do this trip with them and not go to their house here in Michigan as it was too much traveling. Well....DH decided we were still coming up for his extended family's x-mas party (which was tonight...). So, we got in a huge fight and I lost and here we are. We have a close friend's holiday party that I really want to go to tomorrow afternoon and now its supposed to be blizzard-like conditions tomorrow, which means we may not be able to get home tomorrow :( So...that means we won't get home until Monday afternoon and then I have to get us ready for a week's vacation in one day (which also happens to be my b-day....and I had wanted to enjoy the day, not run around trying to pack.....). I will be PISSED if we don't make it home tomorrow....

b) we go to the family x-max party and DH's cousin is there with his 2 boys. His wife and daugter did not come b/c she was "sick." Apparently he called and talked to my DH today and asked him if we would be mad if he and the boys came even though the daughter was sick. DH of course says no b/c he never asks any questions. So, I ask what is wrong with her and he says she was up all night last night with the FLU! ARE YOU F*ING KIDDING ME?? There were FIVE babies there under the age of 18 months and you show up and have now infected us all? I am SO ticked. If we get the flu again (we have already had it once and it was awful....), I will be pissed not to mention that most likely it would ruin our trip.

GRR.....why do parents think its okay to infect others? I realize he and the boys do not have it YET....but come on, its the flu.....its highly contagioius.

Thanks for the vent and I REALLY hope I get to go home tomorrow.....

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Re: SO f*ing Pissed....

  • I hope you can get home tomorrow and vent anytime!

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  • Your DH owes you major help with the packing and trip prep, at the least.
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  • You have so many legit reasons to be pissed!  I hope you get home today.  It is snowing here in Ontario. I don't know if it is coming from your way or not.  Good luck and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
  • I am SOOOOOOOO with you on this one.  I HATE for parents to bring their infectious kids around mine!  (And that is a real problem where we live now.)  I hope you have a wonderful birthday and don't have to do too much running around packing.  If you forget something, just send your DH out for it!  And remind him the reason things went undone!!
  • Oooh, that is so annoying. I am angry for you. My brother and SIL have done this to us a few times now. after flipping out about it, they are a lot more respectful now and stay home when their kids are sick and highly contagious. It's easier for me to set them straight though b/c it is my brother. DH would never tell his family anything they don't want to hear, and it drives me crazy!

    My strategy on this one would be to avoid flipping out on DH right away. Give him an opportunity to try to make it right by telling him you understand he is not the cause of the snowstorm, but you expect that your plans for R&R on your b-day will not be disrupted by this little trip to see his family. And you think it is entirely reasonable to expect he will be doing more than his fair share of the packing/leg work when you get back.

    I wouldn't harp on the flu thing yet because no one caught it (yet - i know). I am as big a germaphobe as you can find, and take every precaution, but honestly there is a good chance with you all going on a plane this week, that you would be exposed to something anyway. hopefully dh learns his lesson, though if he is anything like mine, he won't!!

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