I feel like we have taken a step back in time. DD has been so cranky for the last few days. If she is awake she is crying, doesn't want to nap, doesn't want to sleep at night, etc. The only way she napped this afternoon was because I put her in our bed and took a nap with her (with one hand keeping the bink in her mouth). She has been getting up every three hours at night. I know that is a dream for a lot of you, but this kid was sleeping 5-10 hours straight at night up until this week. I am not complaining about getting up every three hours - it is just not her and I am concerned. Seriously, it has kind of been since her shots on Monday. She didn't even poop at all today (she's a once a day kind of girl) - the last time was yesterday afternoon. I am feeling so frustrated that I cannot make her happy.
Re: DD not herself....