
Pink eye??

OK - daycare tells me the other day that a child was sent home with Pinkeye, but no sign was posted at all.  We take the usual procautions, but who may get it - ME!  I woke up this morning with the telltale crusty eye that was pink.

 So my question is, do I have to go to the doctor to get meds?  If I don't will I still be contagious at Christmas?

Re: Pink eye??

  • Not sure about how long you are contageous.  Depends on what type of pink eye you have (some is spread by touch, while other is spread by anything) It is !highly! contageous and you should get the drops to put into your eyes from the dr asap.  You need to constantly wash your hands, you should use seperate towels and change them daily, same with pilow cases....
  • in my experience w/ it, you have to get meds to treat it.  I'd go asap.  I think 2 days w/ the meds and you're no longer contagious.
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