Success after IF

Poll for all!

I'm waiting for my toenails to dry so I can shower, so humor me!Stick out tongue


WIll you/Do you:

1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?

2. Bfeed/FF/Pump?

3. SAHM/work?

4.  If work, how much time off?

5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room?

6. Boy/girl?

7.  How many showers did you/will you have?

8. How many kids do you want after this?

9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens?

10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? 

Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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Re: Poll for all!

  • imageMayDayGirl:

    I'm waiting for my toenails to dry so I can shower, so humor me!Stick out tongue


    WIll you/Do you:

    1. Went med free until I pushed.

    2. Breastfeed

    3. SAHM (but will work VERY pt from home starting again in May)

    4. NA

    5. He's in our room

    6. Boy

    7.  4 showers

    8. About 3 more, maybe more.

    9. We will do IVF at least once more, maybe twice and want to adopt.  Probably adopt at the end, maybe an older child (children)?

    10. SAHM

    Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers image
  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? Had epi, induced. 

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? FF. 

    3.  SAHM/work? Work part-time (3 days/week)

    4.  If work, how much time off? 4.5 months

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? Baby in own room, in crib since day one.

    6. Boy/girl? Boy

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? Two, both after DS was born.

    8. How many kids do you want after this? One more.

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? We'll probably try on our own for awhile but would totally do IF treatments again.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? Nanny

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  • WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump?

    3. SAHM/work?

    4.  If work, how much time off? NA

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room?

    6. Boy/girl? don't know yet :)

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? 0 - baby #3 :)

    8. How many kids do you want after this? 0 - last one

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? NA - we're all done after this

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?

  • WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?  Not sure, I'm just going to see how this pregnancy progresses.

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? BF

    3. SAHM/work?  SAH, but I'll probably go back within two years after the birth.

    4.  If work, how much time off?  See above.

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room?  Cosleep

    6. Boy/girl?  We find out Tuesday!!  : )

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have?  None for this one (second child)

    8. How many kids do you want after this?  We may be done, or possibly one more.

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens?  Don't know.  We haven't even decide if we want more after this one.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?   I will be SAH until this next one is at least one, and then I may go back PT and have #2 in day care half days.

  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? I'll do whatever is needed in order for the baby and I to be healthy.  I will not be induced per OBs orders due to previous surgery on my uterus.  Even though this is my first delivery it is being treated like a v-bac.  So I'll go into labor on my own or have a c/s.

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? I plan on bf.

    3. SAHM/work? SAHM

    4.  If work, how much time off? n/a

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? We'll have the baby in our room at first and slowly transition her to the crib in her room.

    6. Boy/girl? girl

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? I'm having 2 baby showers.

    8. How many kids do you want after this? 1 or 2

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? The plan as of right now is to just see what happens but we do have frozen embryos and will use those if we need to.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?  SAHM

    Clomid M/C 8 weeks 2/08 *IVF #1-DD born 3/09
    *Surprise BFP-T18 baby lost at 13w 1/10 *FET #1-DS born 2/11
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? wanted an epi and got one

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? BF and pump

    3. SAHM/work? SAHM

    4.  If work, how much time off? n/a

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? started out w/baby in our room, but DH snores really loud and kept waking her, so she and I sleep in her room...she sleeps in the crib and I sleep on the guest bed.

    6. Boy/girl? girl

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? 3 plus a meet the baby party

    8. How many kids do you want after this? zero

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? none of the above

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? SAHM

  • This is a fun one :)  And many of these things I am not sure of yet ;)

    WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?  I'm guessing Epi...

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump?  If I'm able (in this order) Bfeed, pump, FF

    3. SAHM/work? This is a big wild card right now

    4.  If work, how much time off? 12 weeks for sure

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? Hhhmmm not sure yet

    6. Boy/girl? Not sure yet

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? Again - I'm 4 minutes pg so not sure yet.

    8. How many kids do you want after this? I want this one....after that we'll see.

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens?  Not sure

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? Not sure

  • WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? Give me the drugs! Epi for sure.

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? I am going to try Bfeeding but may end up going to FF.

    3. SAHM/work? Unfortunetly work :(

    4.  If work, how much time off? I am a teacher and so I will have about 2 months off. I am planning on only returning to work part time.

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? Baby in our room in a bassinet for about the first month then to their own room.

    6. Boy/girl? Boy

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? 2 (One in my old hometown where parents live and one where i live now.)

    8. How many kids do you want after this? DH and I originally wanted 3 but would be happy with 2 now.

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? We are considering doing IVF again but it will be a while.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? Daycare

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • WIll you/Do you:1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? Had an emergency C-section2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? Pumping like crazy, but I get to BF once a day when I visit my babies.?3. SAHM/work? SAHM4.? If work, how much time off?5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? Babies have their own room6. Boy/girl? 2 girls7.? How many showers did you/will you have? I had 38. How many kids do you want after this? As of right now we still want 2 more.9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? Probably do IF treatments for one more and adopt the fourth10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? SAHM
    IUI # 1 on 1/19, Beta 2/1 = BFN, Hysteroscopy on 2/15= 5 polyps removed, and cervix cleared, IUI #2 on 4/15 = BFP, Beta#1 on 4/30 @ 15 dpiui= 279, Beta #2 on 5/9 @24dpiui = 10,154, U/S on 8/5 = TWO GIRLS! Born 10/16 at 28 weeks. Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • . Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? Tried to BF but one baby wouldn't latch, tried to pump but my milk never fully came in (only 1.5 oz per session) so I gave up.  we are now totally formula feeding.

    3. SAHM/work?  I have to go back to work

    4.  If work, how much time off?  5 months

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room?

    6. Boy/girl?  One of each

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have?

    8. How many kids do you want after this?

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens?

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? I'm not opposed to an epidural.

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? Would like to try BFing or pumping.

    3. SAHM/work? Sorta SAHM. I might work a couple evenings a week.

    4.  If work, how much time off?  

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? Baby in our room at first, then his/her own room.

    6. Boy/girl? We'll find out in a few weeks!!

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? ---

    8. How many kids do you want after this? None. This will be our only child.

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? N/A

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?  SAHM mostly. If I decide to go back to work, then it would only be a couple nights a week and DH would just care for DC while I'm gone. No daycare.

  • imageMayDayGirl:

    I'm waiting for my toenails to dry so I can shower, so humor me!Stick out tongue


    WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? Wanted a vaginal birth with epi, ended up with a scheduled C-section.

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? Pumped for 8 weeks, and used freezer stash to get through to 11 weeks.

    3. SAHM/work? work, although I'd give anything to sah.

    4.  If work, how much time off? 12 weeks.

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? Baby in our room for first 8 weeks, then transitioned to crib.

    6. Boy/girl?  a beautiful little girl =)

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? one.

    8. How many kids do you want after this? one.

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? TBD.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? my mom watches DD 3 days a week. I have her 2 days. DH has her 2 days.  See why I need a new job?!?!?

  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? meds for pushing

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? bf'ing for 8.5 months!!

    3. SAHM/work?work- RN fulltime

    4.  If work, how much time off? 8 weeks was all I could take:(

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? in her room in her crib since about 5 or 6 weeks old

    6. Boy/girl? girl

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? 3

    8. How many kids do you want after this?1 (if I can talk dh into it)

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? see what happens and then go from there

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? our mom's keep her when I work. I am lucky to work three 12h shifts/week

  • Fun poll!

    ?1) I know I'll want an epi when the time comes, so I'm not going to delude myself into thinking otherwise, lol.?

    2) Bfeed until I go back to work, then Bfeed and supplement w/ formula?

    3) Work. Wish I could SAH with this one, but hopefully it'll happen with baby #2?

    4) 12 weeks of FMLA?

    5) baby in our room until she outgrows the co-sleeper (still not sure if we'll ? ? actually attach it to the bed)

    6) girl

    7) ?2 so far, and some type of "welcoming party/shower" with my inlaws in NY once the baby can travel

    8) probably 1 more

    9) clomid worked this time, and hopefully I won't need more advanced treatments ?(although I did love the transvaginal ultrasounds and blood-draws every few days, didn't everyone?)

    10) A half-day of daycare 1-2 times a week, mommy or daddy the rest of the time?


  • imageMayDayGirl:

    WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? I had a c section.  Not sure what I wanted.

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? I wanted to BF but my milk never came in so I did what I could and FF.

    3. SAHM/work? I guess I SAH part time and I work 17 hours a week.

    4.  If work, how much time off? I don't really have any time off but I can take what I need.

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? Karly likes to sleep in her crib (which is in our room) and Katie sleeps with us.

    6. Boy/girl? I wanted a boy but I got two girls and I am so happy.

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? I had 1

    8. How many kids do you want after this? In a perfect world, 1 more.

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? I would like to adopt a little boy (around two years old *see perfect world comment)

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? I SAH during the day and dh SAH during the night.  We work it out :)

    twin girls after 43 months of TTC.. Katherine Emily (5 lbs 12 oz 19 1/4 in) and Karly Elizabeth (5lbs 7 oz 19 in) imageLilypie!!My bio!! !!My Blog!! imageimage


  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? Well.... it's kinda a "plan A, B C" thing. A- med free/vag deliv, B-meds/vag deliv, C- knock me out/C-section

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? Again... plan A-EBF, B-Pumping, C-combination

    3. SAHM/work?- Work (teacher)

    4.  If work, how much time off?- I'm off right now till, 6 weeks pp then back I go.

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? Baby in our room, basinette (I'm scared I will roll over on him/her)

    6. Boy/girl?- Don't know.... early guesses by bet placers say 10:1 it's a boy

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have?Just one

    8. How many kids do you want after this?........questionable (very rough pregnancy so far)

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? Another plan thing..... A see what happens, B maybe IF Tx/adoption

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?- I'm praying for Dh and I to not need childcare, that our schedules can work... otherwise maybe my mom can help.

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  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? i had to have an emergency c-section.  so i had no choice about the meds.

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? breastfeed

    3. SAHM/work? i took a 10 month leave from work to stay home with ds.  heading back 2 days a week in january.  then full time in march.

    4.  If work, how much time off? 10 months

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? we've done combos of all of these, in the beginning he was in a bassinet in our room, then we co-slept, now we start him out in the crib, then co-sleep later in the night after his feeding.

    6. Boy/girl? boy

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? 1, but i missed it b/c i was in the hospital with pre-e.

    8. How many kids do you want after this? i'd love to have one more

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? i think we're done with treatments, and are planning to see what happens.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?  ds will be heading to daycare in march

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  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? epi

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? FF

    3. SAHM/work?  SAHM

    4.  If work, how much time off?

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? think in my room for a bit

    6. Boy/girl? we find out 1/8..maybe 1 of each in there

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have?  one

    8. How many kids do you want after this? 1 or 2

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens?

    We'll see what happens, would be great if it just happened.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? SAHM

  • 1.  Was induced, had epi/spinal and then ended as a c/s

    2.  Tried to bf, but with the spinal had a spinal headache and couldnt lift my head for a week, so it didnt work out, so FF

    3.  SAHM

    4. N/A

    5. He's still in his bassinet at nihgt, I dont want him to move into his crib, but he has no problem, mommy wont let him go :-(

    6.  Boy

    7.  1 large shower

    8.  God-wiling 1 or 2

    9. We will see if it happens, if not, I will go back to the RE for treatments

    10.  SAHM, but if I go back, my mom will watch him

  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?  EPI!!!

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump?  Wanted to BF, pumped for a few weeks, now I FF.

    3. SAHM/work?  Work part-time.

    4.  If work, how much time off?  8 weeks.

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room?  In our room, in a cosleeper.  Will transition to her room after our trip home for the holidays.

    6. Boy/girl?  Girl.

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? I had two.  DH had a small one.

    8. How many kids do you want after this?  Two.

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens?  Right now we will not prevent.  We plan to do an FET in August/September and fresh cycles after that.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?  Nanny.

    My Favorite Books image
    Books read in 2012: 58!
  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?  I plan to get an epi.

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump?  I will try to breastfeed.

    3. SAHM/work?  I will be a SAHM (I'm a SAHW now).

    4.  If work, how much time off?  N/A

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room?  I will have the baby sleep in a bassinet in my room for 6 months or so.

    6. Boy/girl?  I don't know yet.

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have?  Probably 0, I may have a small (and I mean small) family shower.  I will have just moved and will not have any many friends that I would feel comfortable asking--it would feel like a gift-grab.  Nobody has mentioned anything.  No biggie.

    8. How many kids do you want after this?  This will likely be it unless we get pregnant naturally.

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens?  I don't know if we will be stationed near a military hospital that performs IVF again (otherwise, we can't afford it).  Plus, 1st tri has been pretty awful for me (extreme fatigue) and I can't imagine feeling like this and having a toddler to chase.  And, who knows what my DH's future deployment chances are like.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?   It'll be me as a SAHM though my family will be around to help.  DH will be in Iraq when I have the baby and for most of its first year. 

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  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?  Epi free

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump?  bfeed

    3. SAHM/work?  work part-time

    4.  If work, how much time off?  12 weeks

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room?  baby is in her room

    6. Boy/girl?  girl

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have?  4

    8. How many kids do you want after this?  1 more

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens?  if treatments

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?  family member

  • imageMayDayGirl:

    I'm waiting for my toenails to dry so I can shower, so humor me!Stick out tongue


    WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? Had epi after 8 hours on Pitocin. Enough said.

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? Tricky question. I have done both due to antibiotics. We are back to BFing now!!

    3. SAHM/work? Unfortunately work, but may go back part-time. If I go back full time it's still only 3 days/week (12 hour shifts)

    4.  If work, how much time off? 13 weeks

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? DD is in the pack-n-play, but will be moving to her crib soon (maybe even tonight)

    6. Boy/girl? A girl

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? 3 - a work shower, a friend shower and a family shower

    8. How many kids do you want after this? 1 or 2

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? We will see what happens for a few months and then go back to Clomid and pray that it works. I'm anxious for another baby, but not all the work it takes to get one here.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? Family on the 2 or 3 days I will work.

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    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? Probably epi

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? BF (pump once back at work)

    3. SAHM/work? work

    4.  If work, how much time off? 12 weeks

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? our room for initial weeks, then own room

    6. Boy/girl? We think it's a girl

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? Maybe one?

    8. How many kids do you want after this? one more

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? We have six frozen embryos so I imagine we'll try from those

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? day care through our church

    After 20 months, 3 Clomid cycles and 4 IUI cycles, IVF #1 with ICSI = BFP!
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?  Ideally I would like to have tried med-free, but since it's twins I'm likely going the epi or c-section route

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? I'd like to Bfeed, but may have to pump some.

    3. SAHM/work? Work part-time

    4.  If work, how much time off? 12 weeks

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? In our room in a co-sleeper

    6. Boy/girl? 2 girls

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? 2 showers

    8. How many kids do you want after this? Not sure

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens?  We have 2 frozen embies so I'm thinking we'd start there

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? Probably a nanny since I'll only be working part-time and we'll have 2 kids.

    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

    ***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? c-section due to the twins2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? Pump3. SAHM/work? Work4.? If work, how much time off? I work in schools so I will go back in June but be off for the summer (I was put out of work in October)5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? In our room for a little while then in their own room.6. Boy/girl? 2 boys7.? How many showers did you/will you have? 18. How many kids do you want after this? This is it for me9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? I had trouble/complications from the IF treatments so I would not go through that again.?10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?My mom will watch the boys...thankfully
  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? Want an epi!!

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? bfeed for a little bit, then FF

    3. SAHM/work? Sahm

    4.  If work, how much time off?

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? Baby in bassinet in our room for a few months

    6. Boy/girl? girl

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? 2

    8. How many kids do you want after this? 1

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? I would love to adopt, but we will see. I think DH really wants to try for a boy ... but I am so not looking forward to going through the IF stuff again, and pregnancy has not been my favorite thing

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?  sahm

  • WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?  Probably do Epi and then taper down for delivery

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump?  EBF if I can

    3. SAHM/work?  work

    4.  If work, how much time off? 12 weeks

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room?  Baby in his own room

    6. Boy/girl? Boy

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have?  1

    8. How many kids do you want after this? 1

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? At least a FET, probably another IVF

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?  Day care

  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?  I had an epi...having a baby is about the worst pain in t he whole world..I did NOT need to feel it hahaha

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump?  FF both! =)

    3. SAHM/work?  SAHM

    4.  If work, how much time off?

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? They each have their own room...

    6. Boy/girl? both girlies

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? 1 was for both girls...when Kate was 3 weeks old and I was about 20weeks pregnant

    8. How many kids do you want after this? Maybe one

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens?  We will either adopt or just do clomid...nothing drastic

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?  Im a SAHM but we also have a nanny and they go to a church mothers morning out program...its the BEST! =)

    "I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine

    "All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."

  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?

    c section

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump?


    3. SAHM/work?


    4.  If work, how much time off?

    pre babies I was off for 10 weeks, post babies I will be off for 6 months

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room?

    they are in their room but end up in our bed quite often

    6. Boy/girl?


    7.  How many showers did you/will you have?

    I had four

    8. How many kids do you want after this?

    I would like one more. A Girl!

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens?

    We will try an FET. If it doesn't work maybe adopt or be done. 

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?

    Not sure yet. 

  • 1. C-section due to baby B being breech otherwise I would have at least attempted a vaginal birth, but not med free.

    2. Pump and supplement with formula.  I don't produce enough milk to feed them both, but they only get 1 formula bottle a day for now.

    3. Work part time.

    4. I was off work for 5 and a half months, but the first 2 and a half were bed rest.  Then I was off 3 months after the girls were born.  Now I work 3 days a week.

    5. Babies are in their own room.

    6. 2 girls.

    7. 2, one with friends and family and one at work

    8. Maybe 1 more, but not for several years

    9.  I don't plan on going through more treatments.  We're unexplained, so there's always a chance we could get pregnant on our own.  And if not, at least we already have two kids.

    10. Our moms watch the girls on the days that I work.  It's great!  We're VERY lucky.

  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? Epidural.

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? I'd like to BF

    3. SAHM/work? Work, but reduced hours

    4.  If work, how much time off? About 6 months?

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? In room forfirst fewmonths.

    6. Boy/girl? Don't know.

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? None. It makes me too sad to be around baby things plus I don't want to buy/set-up anything until we have a baby.

    8. How many kids do you want after this? We'll see if I get this one first.

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? If this one makes it we'll do IVF again probably.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? Nanny.

    *** It's funny because I'm fat ***
  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? Had an epidural, vag birth

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? Started BF, then had to supplement, and now we FF

    3. SAHM/work? Both...SAHM during weekdays and work weekend nights while DH has DC.

    4.  If work, how much time off? I took off 14 weeks

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? He's still in our room!

    6. Boy/girl? BOY

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have? Had two

    8. How many kids do you want after this? One, maybe two

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? As many treatment as possible. We'll see!

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? DC needs a sitter for 5 hours a week when DH and I have an overlap in work hours. Otherwise he's always with us.

  • WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? I'm going to go in with an open mind and see how I feel. I only know I really don't want pethidine or entonox. Eipdural-- maybe.

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? Would like to do a combination of bf and pumping

    3. SAHM/work? Haven't decided yet. There are a lot of factors to consider, but we have a year to figure them out. Might go back part time. 

    4. If work, how much time off? Get 42 weeks paid and then another 10 unpaid.

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? Baby in our room for at least 4 months, but in her own bed.

    6. Boy/girl? Girl (that's what they told us, anyway!)

    7. How many showers did you/will you have? One

    8. How many kids do you want after this? Probably none.

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? See what happens after a few years and possibly look to foster in the future.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? If I go back, it'll be some combination of family, au pair, or daycare, but I'm not keen on daycare.

  • WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section?  Whatever is best for the babies.  If we have a vaginal birth, I'm all for an epi.  If I need a c-section, I won't mind. 

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump?  BF and pump if I can for as long as I can

    3. SAHM/work?  Unfortunately, back to work for me.

    4.  If work, how much time off?  I will have the rest of the school year and summer off and I am trying to talk DH into me taking the first 6-9 weeks off using FMLA in the fall. 

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room?  Babies in our room at first in the pack and play, then in their own room.

    6. Boy/girl?  One of each Big Smile

    7.  How many showers did you/will you have?  Probably two - one with family and friends, and one at work.

    8. How many kids do you want after this?  We'll talk after the twins get here. 

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens?  The plan is to just let whatever happens happen, but I can see us doing IF treatments again in a couple of years if all goes well.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny?  My Mom and his Mom will be babysitting. 

    Married - 7/29/06
    Ben and Maggie - 4/10/09 
    Mia - 6/16/11
    Surprise! due 2/23/17

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • 1. Epi hopefully

    2. Bfeed hopefully

    3. SAHM

    4.  Considering finding some pt work from home eventually but no rush

    5. Not sure. Probably in room.

    6. Don't know yet! Hoping to find out at 16 w u/s.

    7.  1

    8. 2 more, 3 total.

    9. IF treatments most likely

    10. SAHM



  • imageMayDayGirl:

    I'm waiting for my toenails to dry so I can shower, so humor me!Stick out tongue


    WIll you/Do you:

    1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? ?Epi

    2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? ?BF

    3. SAHM/work? ?Work

    4.? If work, how much time off? ?2 months

    5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? ?In our room with co-sleeper as bassinet

    6. Boy/girl? ????? we will find out when we meet him/her sometime in the next 10 weeks!

    7.? How many showers did you/will you have? ?One

    8. How many kids do you want after this? One or more if that happens without help!

    9. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? ?See what happens, then likely treatment again. ?If that doesn't work then adopt.

    10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? ? Either day care or nanny - I work nights, DH days, so we only need care when I sleep (2-3 days a week). ?The 2 day care centers near us have >1yr wait list, so it may end up as nanny/babysitter until we get a slot!

    TTC#1 = Success on Cycle#19 with Clomid/trigger/b2b IUIs; beta#1 (15dpiui) 200, #2 (18dpiui) 433, #3 (22dpiui) 2356; TTC#2 = Surprise BFP 9/2009; TTC#3 = m/c at 6 wks, 10/29/11; BFP#2 4/1/2012... Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • For EvanL

    1. Wanted Epi (ended with a C-section)

    2. Bfeed for 11 months

    3. SAHM

    4.  n/a

    5. Baby in his room from day 3

    6. Boy

    7.  2 showers

    8. 1-2 more

    9. we planned to do IF treatments starting in Jan/Feb

    10. SAHM


    For #2...

    1. C-section

    2. Hope to Bfeed again

    3. SAHM

    4.  n/a

    5. Plan to put baby in his/her room from the beginning

    6. Boy/girl?  Good question!

    7.  Probably 1 shower

    8. 0-1...we'll see how 2 under 2 goes...

    9. Depends.  If we really want another and it doesn't happen on its own, we'll go back to fertility treatments.

    10. SAHM


  • 1.  Want Epi

    2.  Bfeed

    3.  Work

    4.  31/2 months but I work from home so I my schedule is flexible

    5. Baby in his room

    6.  Boy

    7.  Will have 2

    8.  2 more :-)

    9.  IF treatments again

    10.  Family member & nanny

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  • 1. Want Epi/Med free birth/C-section? wanted med free, got a c/s2. Bfeed/FF/Pump? BF, FF 9pm-11pm3. SAHM/work? SAHM4.? If work, how much time off?5. Co-sleep/baby in his/her room/have baby in your room? baby in room, cosleep from 6am-8am6. Boy/girl? healthy7.? How many showers did you/will you have? had 18. How many kids do you want after this? 39. Will you go through IF treatments again? Adopt? Just see what happens? see what happens for 1 year, then if treatments again.10. Day care? Family member? SAHM? Nanny? sahm
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