i cant get him to sleep in it! i have some success with the swing but mostly at nite i feed him lying down (easier on my csection) and then after several failed attempts at putting him the cosleeper or the swing, he ends up in our bed. i do not really want him sleetping there. isnt he too young to just let him cry?
Re: wwyd - ds hates cosleeper
Yes, he's WAY too young to let him cry. (Most sources say 5-6 months at the earliest.) DS wasn't a big fan of his PNP bed at that age- the only place he would sleep consistently was in our bed snuggled beside me. We just went with it and let him co-sleep, keeping in mind that newborns can't be spoiled and he was too young to really be forming any habits. After about a month, we were able to put him in the PNP when he first went down at night. And now, he sleeps in his PNP all night long.
Just give it time and do what you have to do to get some sleep, even if it wasn't what you planned before baby! Keep trying his cosleeper and I bet one night he will go with it.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
I agree. DS still sleeps cuddled up to me but with him getting up every 2 hours, I'm ok with it. Once he is sleeping longer stretches, I'll fight for a new place for him to sleep.
You can't spoil your baby yet. So i baby wants to sleep in your bed & you're ok with it, then I say go for it. You're not creating any bad habits.?
Plus right now.... sleep is the most important thing. That's how they process everything they've learned. And it's great for you too. It helps you to unwind from the day. Unwind from everything you've learned too.
Ditto Dr. G. We actually put DD in her crib in her own room starting from day 1, and I think swaddling her and using a sleep positioner really helped. And the noises she would make in her sleep for the first month! I taught myself to not get out of bed unless she started crying.