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How do I tell if my BM's gone sour?

DS kept spitting out the milk from his last bottle. I tasted it, and it tasted just as yucky to me as it normally does.

So if it's gross to me out of the boob, and gross to me later, how can I tell if it's gone bad?

Ugh, now I have nasty BM taste in my mouth. Blegh!

Re: How do I tell if my BM's gone sour?

  • I know the only time Ella spits out her milk is if it's been out for a bit, I'm not sure if that's considered sour or not, but it's the only time she spits it out.
    Ella- 8/22/08, Jules and Tuck- 12/15/10
  • Yeah, that's the wierd thing -- the milk was pumped last night. It's been in the fridge ever since. We pulled it out and warmed it 10 minutes (max) before serving it to him.
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  • I've always heard you can TELL if bm's bad because it smells sour and bad and there's no mistaking it!

    "When it comes to sleeping, whatever your baby does is normal. If one thing has damaged parents enjoyment of their babies, it's rigid expectations about how and when the baby should sleep." ~ James McKenna, Ph.D., Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame

  • It takes a LOT of time for BM to go bad - like at least 8 hours at room temperature. ?There is a very distinct, GROSS smell. ?You will know when it happens :-)
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