Holy cow -- one of the girls on the Nest Book Club board just posted this link. A girl from her local board and her 2-year-old daughter almost died from carbon monoxide!
Please, please get carbon monoxide detectors! We have the combined smoke/CO detectors. They are not expensive at all, don't need to be "installed" (just screwed into the ceiling), and they just run on AA batteries. CO has no smell at all, so you would not be able to detect a leak.
oh my God, How scary! We have them, Todd insisted when we converted our electric range to gas, and the detectors have worked... We had a leak once.
We have the kind that actually detects propane, natural gas and CO2. They plug into an outlet, and I think the set of 2 was under $100 at Lowes.
I saw that post on my local board. I bought CO2 detectors because a family recently died here in Colorado. I kept forgetting to take them out of the package. You can bet I did as soon as I saw that post! Scary. I'm so glad her and her baby are okay.