
Ok fine I joined but I have no idea what I'm doing.

Re: Ok fine I joined but I have no idea what I'm doing.

  • Search for people you know and ask them to be your friend.  You can load pictures and chat with your FB friends online.  Then there are fun things like word games, throwing snowballs at your friends, exchaning cyber presents, etc.

    And of course, you have to join Bubbly's new nest group.

    "If the Nest Died, at least we'd have each other."


  • Loading the player...
  • I didn't know at first, either.  but, when I put in my info, like where I went to high school, college, etc, all these people started asking to be my friend.  If I knew them, I put yes, but I've got some requests from people I have no idea who they are (maybe Imet them once?).  Our thing in common is other friends.  I just ignore them.
  • Ooo! Samantha-- I'm trying to find you to add as my friend...will you be my friiiiiiieeeeeeend? :)
  • well crap S! You're name is too generic-there are over 500 Samantha _____!
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