Success after IF

Haha, I think MIL is boycotting my blog

A couple months ago there was some drama with the blog.  She thought she and FIL weren't getting enough credit (in the blog) for everything they has done for the girls.  When we moved here we lived with them while we looked for a house and they set up a nursery for the girls and overall they have done a lot for Sophie and Hannah.  And I have thanked them so many times and told them what good grandparents they are.  Apparently that wasn't good enough...I should have mentioned it more in the blog :::rolling eyes:::

Anyway, she no longer mentions the blog or anything I post.  Fine.  I'm being the bigger person.  Well, last night I sent her an email saying I posted a really cute video on the blog and....nothing.  She responded to all my other emails that I sent before and after that one but hasn't mentioned the video email.  Interesting.

Honestly I don't even care that much, it's just silly.

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