2nd Trimester

Had my first "I'm PG and have no balance" moment

I went to Kohl's last night to shop for baby girl clothes (I haven't had time since the big u/s Tuesday!).  I had put my purchases on the counter and squatted down to get my purse from the bottom of the stroller when I started toppling backward...and I couldn't stop!  I ended up sitting down right on my tailbone.  Some jacka$$ in line behind me had the audacity to laugh out loud.  So, I stood up and said very sweetly to the cashier (who was very concerned, btw) that that's what happens when you're PG:  you lose your balance, and can you tell we just found out it's a girl (gesturing at the stack of girl outfits I'd set before him)??  The people in line behind me heard what I said (which was what I had intended) and chastized the person who had laughed.  Jerk. 

Oh, but surprisingly enough, it didn't embarass me at all.  I didn't turn red and I didn't cry, thank goodness.  When I was PG with DS I slipped and fell three times in a row at the mall when I was about 35 weeks and ended up in tears...SO embarassing! 

Re: Had my first "I'm PG and have no balance" moment

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    Oh how embarassing! LOL What a jerk for laughing at you (although, admittedly, I'd probably be a jerk and laugh to myself [ QUIETLY] too)

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    Did Kohls have a good selection?  Just getting ideas when we finally find out.

     I haven't fallen down completely but I have come very close.  My DH just looks at me and asks if I am ok. 

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    This sounds like something that I would do even BEFORE my BFP. At least now I can blame it on PG.
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    Did Kohls have a good selection?  Just getting ideas when we finally find out.

    Yes, they had a great selection and a ton of stuff on clearance 60-70% off.  I bought 10 items (3 or 4 are two piece sets) for about $60.

    Their selection isn't as great for boys, but it's still pretty good.

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