Success after IF

Duggars have #18

I don't envy this woman in the slightest little bit, but perhaps I could have just a smidge of her fertility? Jordan-Grace is the kid's name keeping with their weirdo thing of naming all their kids "J" names. I really think they went out of the box when they named one of their daughters Jinger. She's definitely going to be a stripper with that name! Teehee!
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Re: Duggars have #18

  • I saw that this morning. Now they have 10 boys and 8 girls. How crazy their household must be.
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  • I watched "The Doctors" yesterday and the OB/GYN said it right - her uterus must have fallen out with the baby this time!
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  • imagecharmcitygirl:
    Jordan-Grace is the kid's name keeping with their weirdo thing of naming all their kids "J" names. I really think they went out of the box when they named one of their daughters Jinger. She's definitely going to be a stripper with that name! Teehee!

    Hey! I resemble that comment :) lol

    But we would never make up a name just to use a G ... Jinger is WAY too stupid IMO. :)

  • Ew.  I bet this one just slithered out of her while she was making "Jim Bob's favorite" world-famous tater tot casserole.
  • that's not nice..  My sister's name is Ginger.. and she is far from a stripper...  maybe a little strange, but still moral and all...

    I wonder if she get a buy 5 get 1 free discount at the hospital?  I'd love to see their taxes..  Those deductions must add up...

  • imageFaithRocks:
    I watched "The Doctors" yesterday and the OB/GYN said it right - her uterus must have fallen out with the baby this time!

    we can only hope. 



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    2 infertiles' journey to 2 pink lines (and a baby girl)
    "our IF story"
  • imagebpaullo:

    that's not nice..  My sister's name is Ginger.. and she is far from a stripper...  maybe a little strange, but still moral and all...

    I totally love the name Ginger, but DH vetoed it. 

  • I think Ginger is ok with a "G" but when you put a "J" on it, that makes it just weird.
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  • sorry about the confusion over the Ginger/Jinger name.  I actually think that Ginger, as it is meant to be spelled, is a cute name.  Its when you add the "J" just so you can have the names match is where it becomes and issue.
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