Maya has been a bear with taking naps today! She took a great 2.5 hour morning nap, but has been fighting a mid-day nap like crazy! I KNOW she's tired, and I'll put her in her crib, and she won't even fuss, she's just awake and looking around. After half an hour she starts to be unhappy, so I swaddle her (legs only) and she passes right out... LOL. 30 minutes later, she's up again! That's not a nap! I go in and tell her, "ssssh, nap time not over," walk out, and 5 minutes later, she's passed out again.
She was up for like 4 hours between morning and finally taking a 2nd nap... way too long! Now she's just overtired. Le sigh...
Re: Speaking of nap troubles...