It?s a card that says ?TO MY WONDERFUL SON, and his family?.
(Originally when I saw the front of the card I thought ok maybe she included the twins inside, but there is no mention of them. )
Umm, Family I generally think of as kids, well we don?t have any yet. Guess she didn?t want to acknowledge me as his Wife and get the typical ?To my son and daughter in law?.
Re: Would this annoy you or am I just hormonal....
I feel like she does little snarky things that only a "women" would that my hubby doesn't think anything about it and just thinks I'm being picky.
She does things like this all the time and my husband just tells me I'm overreacting and I'm reading into things.
Clomid M/C 8 weeks 2/08 *IVF #1-DD born 3/09
*Surprise BFP-T18 baby lost at 13w 1/10 *FET #1-DS born 2/11
well, her son is wonderful... but you are just family! : )
I feel you on that one.. I feel you! Yes I would be annoyed.
It would annoy me-- but I get annoyed when I get "lumped in". It's like you don't really even exist, you are just some appendage to her son. I didn't take my husband's name and 70% of the holiday cards we got this year were addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Wesley _____. I know that is a "traditional" way of addressing a card, but I find it antiquated and offensive. I have a name and it isn't Mrs. Wesley ____. I didn't get married so I could get a new name-- at least put Susan and Wesley ____.
We've been married almost 4 years and everyone knows I did not take his name, they just don't give a crap.