Babies: 9 - 12 Months

can I vent about ILs for a second?

I never ever vent about them here so let me preface this by saying we really don't have a good relationship with them.  Never have.  DH has never liked his parents, they've never been involved.  Once DS was born, they acted like they thought they were the best grandparents in the world.  After 4 months, MIL basically disappeared, only to call once in a while and yell/cry about how I "never" send pics (I send them monthly).


That's all beside the point.  We started getting phone calls for them several weeks ago.  From lawyers but they wouldn't say what it was regarding (it's confidential).  Our number is listed on whatever paperwork they filled out and whatever is going on with them, the lawyers are not able to reach them.  So now they are calling here looking for them.  I say "There's no one here by that name."  "Do you know them?  Are they relatives?"  "Yes, they are relatives..."  So for a while, I would email the phone messages.


Now the phone calls won't stop, I've asked to have our number taken off the paperwork, we have heard NOTHING from the ILs.  They won't acknowledge us or anything that's going on and I get these phone calls every day during DS's nap - the phone wakes him up.


I guess I'm not looking for advice because really, what is there to do?  I've asked DH to contact her and tell her to take care of this but we both know it's not going to "fix" anything.  I'm angry, frustrated, impatient and letting all my other frustrations with them explode through this.


Sorry. Vent over.  Tongue Tied

Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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Re: can I vent about ILs for a second?

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    If you ask them to stop calling I don't believe they are able to continue to call.  If at all possible I would try to get an address to the company and send the request in writing.  You are not allowed to be harassed by phone.
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    I'd be throroughly annoyed and not nice at all to the people calling. In fact, I recommend telling them off every time they call and threatening to report them (not sure to whom, but there must be someone). BTW - if you're not on the do not call list, add yourself!!
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    Yikes!  That's a little more serious than the usual IL vents posted here, isn't it?  You might want to keep an eye on your credit report.
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    So annoying.

    I've learned to turn our ringer off when DD's sleeping. Also, do you have caller ID? I don't answer any unknown calls.

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    Change your #.  Send email to all family and friends w/ new number...
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    Yikes!  That's a little more serious than the usual IL vents posted here, isn't it?  You might want to keep an eye on your credit report.

    Yeah, I've talked to DH about this before because she's been known to use his SSN and sign him up for pyramid schemes.


    I don't think the do not call list applies here.  They aren't telemarketers, it's some legal situation they've gotten themselves into.  I really do need to write down names, addresses, times/dates of calls.  I will start doing that.

    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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    Change your #.  Send email to all family and friends w/ new number...

    I've been thinking about this.  I will talk to DH about it tonight.

    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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    Boy do I feel for you...that is extremely annoying.  My SIL that hadn't talked to us since our wedding over 4 years ago did this last year to us.  She bought some stuff (on credit) and must have put our number down as another contact, so they were calling all the time.  I was nice at 1st telling them she didn't live there, etc then after a while I just for pretty rudeI know they want their money but she she doesn't talk to us OR live in the same state!  Finally I told my DH to call her and fix it or I was going to call her.  now - no more calls! 
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