Parenting after a Loss

i only shaved one leg

I usually put DD in the bouncy seat in the bathroom while I shower. Usually she's fine. today she started screaming and screaming and SCREAMING. Finally after one leg and lots of singing and many attempts to reach out and stick her paci in and rock the bouncy chair, I decided it just wasn't worth it.

so now my left leg is clean and smooth and my right one is totally hairy! (I only shave 1x/week these days if I'm lucky.) And tonight is my sex date with DH. Oh well, welcome to motherhood, right??

Re: i only shaved one leg

  • LOL...  if she naps later, run in and do a sit/shave on the side of the tub.. or see if your dh even notices... I swear my doesn't notice sometimes.
  • I already told him my right leg was just off
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  • That is so funny bc I can totally relate.  I am glad to hear I am not the only one who showers with thier children in the bathroom with them. 

  • I haven't attempted any leg shaving yet.  My goal is to be shaved for my 6 week pp checkup.  But I just wanted to say that I too put DS in the bouncy chair in the bathroom with me.  I sing every Christmas song I can think of.
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