Success after IF

I'm a doppler dummy

Help!  So I went to the doc on Tuesday and they found the HB right away...little to no problem.  My doppler came yesterday (HI Bebe) DH and I tried it lastnight with no luck and I tried again today with no luck.  I hear my own HB loud and clear...what am I doing wrong??? How hard should I be pressing??  Ugh!

Re: I'm a doppler dummy

  • Possibly the position?  At 11w, baby is still way low. 
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  • When I got my doppler I couldn't find them until I was 12 wks, but doctor was able to find them at 11wks. Also it depends on if he/she has their back to you and the position of the "wand thing". One of my babies has an anterior placenta so it is harder to get the heartbeat as quickly. You'll get the hang of it!

    Melissa :)?

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  • At 11 weeks the baby was barely above my pelvic bone- if you think you are too low- go lower.... also use LOADS of doppler gel or aloe.

    11  weeks is still early- so dont get worried

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