Success after IF

I think it's over already

(XP from TTTC)

I woke up to my worst nightmare this AM: spotting. It wasn't a lot and it was brownish-red. Now it is heavier and bright red. I called the nurse and she tried to reassure me that it can be normal. But I'm not buying it. I think it's over. I don't know why this keeps happening. My hCG was 80 at only 11 DPIUI yesterday and my progesterone was 22. How can I be bleeding?

I spotted last time with my blighted ovum but it wasn't this heavy this soon. AF isn't even due until Saturday or Sunday. I don't get it. What is going on?

If it was a chemical wouldn't my beta be really low? I'm worried it will end up being another b/o or even an ectopic. I keep feeling these weird twinges on my right side. Does anyone have any insight? I'm sure it's over though. I can't take this...right before Christmas. I'm going to demand an RPL panel be done and chromosome testing on both of us.

We were supposed to start IVF in Jan. If this is a chemical and I get AF soon, will this delay my IVF? I was supposed to do a month of BCP and Lupron. Do they generally make you wait another month?

Thank you all for your support. I am just so devastated and trying not to cry at work.

Re: I think it's over already

  • I know it's scary, but I'm hoping that this is just random spotting.  I had several episodes of bright red, that on Monday was determined to be a subchronic hematoma.  I was convinced it was over.  Can you go in for another beta today to help ease your mind?
  • I hope this isn't what you fear it is.  I'm sending you a (((((bighug))))) and prayers. 
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  • Try to stay calm. A beta of 80 at 11 dpiui is good - mine at 14 dpiui was only 65, and I now have a happy, healthy 15 month old. You are only 13 dpiui - it could be more implantation bleeding - that little embryo burrowing deeper could explain your twinges as well.

    Is there any way you can have another beta drawn? Sending you big hugs and prayers for good news.

  • I was supposed to get Beta #2 done Friday but we are expecting up to a foot of snow here tonight and my RE is an hour away. So they aren't even sure they will be open. So I have to wait until MONDAY for my next beta. :(
  • I had a chemical (with last iui), but my beta was much lower (30 something).  The one RE I had to see was going to make me wait a month (to start bcp for ivf #1), but I spoke with my RE and he said that there was no need to wait, I just had to have my beta down to 0.  Because my beta was so low, it went to 0 right around the same time AF was due to arrive.  With yours being higher, it might take longer to get it down to 0 IF you are having a chemical. 

    When's your next beta?  Try and stay positive!  There are many women here that bled during their pgs.  Good luck!

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  • I know how worried and scared you are feeling right now. I am so sorry. This happens to a lot of women sometimes, and everything turns out fine. Maybe it's just implantation bleeding. Can they repeat your beta today or maybe tomorrow? You're not going to feel better until you know what's going on, I hope you can get some answers very soon. Good luck (((((HUGS)))))
  • I spotted bright red everyday from 5dpo.  One day a pad was needed.  I am still pregnant with a healthy baby so don't lose hope yet (Oh and I stopped spotting daily at 8w but continued occasional spotting till 12w)
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  • Try to stay positive!!!  Lots of people DO bleed/spot and still have healthy pregnancies.  Pleasekeep us posted.
    Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I am sorry this is  happening.  Don't give up though.  I spotted and bled from week 5-13.  Just like you it was red blood - like a period.  I have had a zillion u/s and the baby is ok!!  I would ask for an u/s tomorrow to check!!!!
    Dx: PCOS/Amenorrhea/Anovulatory/lining problems. Clomid = BFN's. Lots of cancelled cycles due to thin lining or cysts. IUI#1= Follistim, estrace and endometrin = BFN IUI#2= Repronex, follistim, viagra suppositories and endometrin= BFN. IUI#3= Repronex, follistim, viagra suppositories, femtrace and endometrin= BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isabella born in June via C-section!!!!! She is so incredible! Went back to RE to TTC#2 and got a WONDERFUL surprise!! Baby #2 on their way!! My Beautiful son Liam born Feb, 2011!! Lilypie image Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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