He's working from home today in order to be able to go to the pedi with us today. Which is great! I love that he wants to be involved, but he's screwing up our routine. DD went to take her morning nap like always & dh lets out this whopper of a cough. I mean it was violent. And it woke her right up! I was so pissed. Then he feels the need to talk to me, yell at the dogs, move chairs, etc all while she's trying to fall asleep.?
Damn it! Sit down, work and be quiet for 5 friggin minutes while I put her down. ?
Re: DH is not allowed to stay home anymore
Ugh, I know what you mean! I can't tell you how many naps DH has woken Maya up from when he slams the door. It's like, come on dude, don't slam the door when a baby is sleeping!!
He also has a monster of a sneeze and I always tell him if he wakes her up with that I'll be so pissed!
I love it when he's here during the day too, but when he's gone it's sometimes so nice because then it's just Maya and I, and the environment is just so mellow.
It took tons of lectures and screams to get it thru DHs head. He finally got into what i call "baby sleep mode" whichs means being quiet and cautious about the noises you make. What really made a difference is when I told him once if he wakes her up HE'S putting her back down. It took him 1.5 hours once. From then on he watched his step!
What sucks is that we have hardwood floors so everything carries down our hallway, voices, cupboard slams, microwave door slams, etc.
This cracks me up - my DH is the same way. ?He talks at the top of his lungs at night, closes doors loudly,gets the dog going etc...
I guess they really dont get it. I like the one idea, if he wakes her up then he is getting her to sleep.