Okay so let's say you are looking to buy a house. You see one you like and decide you want to make an offer. The owner says, "okay I'll accept your bid, but you have to let me live here as a tenant".
This is what my BIL (DH very WEIRD brother) wants to do. They are twins and I really lucked out that I ended up with DH and not his brother. He is a strange person in a lot of ways.
Anyway. He is lookng to sell his house and here are 2 of the latest ideas he came up with.
1. Sell to someone and tell the new owners that they can have the house, but only if they let him (BIL) and his wife live there as tenants in the basement apt.
"house for sale. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, oh and a 42 yr old man and his 40 yr old wife come with it too"
2. Um rent out the whole house, but live in an RV on the property. This is so he can keep an eye on the tenants and make sure they don;t trash the house.
The property is teeny tiny. There is no WAY an RV would even fit on it.
Re: NBR-if you were buying a house what would you think of this:
I think I would have to pass on that house! As cool as it is that it comes with two humans as an added bonus, I think I just might keep looking
Yeah no kidding. He's nuts!