Success after IF


Hey Carly!

For Ben's bottles, I am doing half Nutramigen and half Gentlease right now. I am going to do that for today while the Zantac hopefully kicks in and then tomorrow I am going to try to go less Gentlease and then full on Nutramigen. 

I just want him to eat right now and I just can't justify going full on Nutramigen while he is still in pain. So hopefully once the pain starts to subside, I'll hit him with the nasty formula. 

I SOOO hope my other boys don't need to go on this formula or we'll be the next ones to forclose on our house due to formula bills!

How long was Connor on it?

Re: ~*~CMM05~*~

  • Glad the "mixing" is working :) That's what my doc suggested when we made the switch....I only had to do it for like 3-4 days and then he was fine! I hope it works for you!

    Connor was on it from 8 weeks - 1 year. A lot of pedi's will suggest going off the Nutramigen around 6 months....BUT....I was very hesitant. Why switch when something is working???? Plus, we have horrible allergies in my family and Connor definitely has them. We did try to use a "gentler" formula (not regular, dairy kind....but a lactose free one....) at around 7 months and it didn't work. I only did it to appease my DH who thinks my family is full of sicknesses....LOL! So, we just kept him on it until we were done with bottles at 13 mos. It was expensive, but to me, him being happy and our sanity was more important!


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