Avery was tired and I was rocking her and she was sucking her pacifier and I decided to halfass swaddle her (before she would hate it and resist). As soon as I got her wrapped up, she got extra drowsy. She's now down in her crib and I THINK she's SLEEPING. (Hot Damn!)
How is it that she hated it as a newborn (would SCREAM and so I dismissed it) and now be ok with it?
Re: starting swaddle at 2 1/2 months?
Not sure why she likes it now just be glad she does and enjoy some quiet time.
Maybe she's just really tired. If you can, try not to introduce the swaddle at this point. Or at least just swaddle her body, not her hands. They say by 4 months, you want to try to lose the swaddle, so at this point I'd try to not even introduce it!
But of course, do what works for you... you gotta do what you gotta do!
Kate hated being swaddled (and would escape), but we very recently learned that she no longer hates it. She still escapes, but it does help her fall asleep and keeps her hands out of her face for a little longer.