Success after IF

Hello 2nd trimester...and a heart attack!

Well, it's indisputable now - even the snarky 3rd tri girls can't deny that I am definitely in the 2nd trimester!  Crazy.  In some ways I never lost faith that I'd get here, but in other ways I really felt like this day would never come for me.  But it has and it's amazing.

But wouldn't you know, little Robinho (as DH calls baby) gave us our first 2nd tri heart attack this morning.  I got the doppler last Monday and have found the heartbeat no problem at least twice a day since.  This morning I woke up with some significant cramping, which was a tad concerning, and then when I went to check for the heartbeat it didn't appear to be there.  I looked for a few minutes before DH got out of the shower, at which point HE started to panic, which made me panic.  Before long my heartrate was 140 making it that much harder to find Robinho's.  But after walking around for a minute and switching to the fancy u/s gel (instead of the body lotion I have been using) we found it loud and clear.  But damn!  What a way to start the morning!  (Although for the record, even with the scare, I am so glad we have the doppler.  I figure I would be feeling panicked and worried a lot more frequently if we *didn't* have it.)


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TTC since March '06
MFI, LPD, possible PCOS
3 chem pgs * m/c identical twins at 9w 10.06
IVF w/ICSI #2 - beta - 187! (9dp5dt), beta - 367! (11dp5dt)
IVF w/ICSI #3 - it's a girl!
My IF Blog: Between the Lines
My Parenting Blog: Letters From Your Mama

Re: Hello 2nd trimester...and a heart attack!

  • Congratulations!!  You made it!  (so glad you found the HB too)
  • welcome to the second tri!!
    DX: PCOS * Success with IVF

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  • Happy first day of 2nd tri! :)
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  • I am finding that in my 18th week I was able to find the HB with no problem at all.  I t was difficult to find consistently before then.  I know its near impossible not to panic but put the doppler down for a few minutes and then try again.
  • Yea for the 2nd tri milestone!!!!  I'm so happy for you!

    Glad you found the h/b. 

  • Phew.....and congrats on 2nd tri! This is one reason I am still not sure I want a doppler!
  • YAY!  The 2nd Trimester, you're a 1/3 of the way to meeting your little Robinho.  So exciting.

    Sorry about the scare and so glad that you found the HB.

    I'm so happy for you.

    <3, Maria Luisa

    Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, It empties today of its strength. ~Corrie ten Boom
    Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher (thank you beadinglady)

    It's been a long journey. TTC since 9/06. multiple IUI's and IVF's and 4 m/c's. IVF#3 = BFP, twins, induced at 34w6d due to baby b passing away (no explanation). Delivered on 35w1d, Baby A - baby girl, and Baby B - baby boy, our little angel.
    MTHFR A1298C & C677T, Immune Issues and Factor II
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