I hope all you moms of boys aren't horrified by this... I, myself, think it's kinda cute.
Yesterday while I was at work, my mom was watching Ben. She cut her fingernails and painted them, and Ben wanted to get in on the action. She painted his pointer finger nail, and my mom said he was so still while she did it and just looked at it and smiled.
When I got home, he was just waking up from his nap and the first thing he did was run to me and show me he finger and say "ail petty" (translation: nail pretty). LOL!
I told her it was ok since he was just 18 months old, but not to make a habit out of it. ;o)
Re: See what you have to look forward too...LOL!
That's nothing, a gal in my mom's group has a 3 year old who will only play with shopping carts, dolls, and other "girl" toys. Last friday he brought a tiara and mom was telling us that he wouldn't let her leave the house until he put on makeup just like mom. She just laughs what else can you do?
LOL!! That is so cute!! (as is your son!)
My mom took my sister and her friend (boy) to Kmart when they were about 4. She told them if they were good, they could have a toy. The boy picked out a generic barbie, and my mom couldn't talk him out of it, so she got it for him. I don't know what his parents must have thought?!
When my nephew was little there was nothing he liked better than watching me get ready. He would sit so still and quiet while I put on makeup/did my hair. He also LOVED to wear any heels he could get his hands on. We have more than one photo of a naked baby walking around in high heels, winky dangling for all the world to see.
Now all he does is play shoot-'em-up video games and talk about weapons. Sigh.
TTC since March '06
MFI, LPD, possible PCOS
3 chem pgs * m/c identical twins at 9w 10.06
IVF w/ICSI #2 - beta - 187! (9dp5dt), beta - 367! (11dp5dt)
IVF w/ICSI #3 - it's a girl!
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